Hillary Can’t Help But Attack Trump at Elijah Cummings Funeral

Hillary Clinton took a veiled swipe at President Trump and urged Americans to defend democracy, a calculated remark likely referencing her 2016 loss, during a eulogy for the late Elijah Cummings.

Trump must truly haunt this woman’s nightmares.

The former Secretary of State praised Cummings as a “great man, moral leader, and a friend,” while equating him to the biblical prophet Elijah.

“Our Elijah, like the prophet, could call down fire from heaven,” Clinton gracefully said. “But he also prayed and worked for healing. He weathered storms and earthquakes but never lost his faith.”

All well and good until Trump, who is living rent-free in her head, became a not-so-subtle target.

“Like that Old Testament prophet,” she announced, “he stood against corrupt leadership of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel.”

Cummings played a consistent and integral role as chair of the House Oversight Committee in investigating the President.

RELATED: Watch: Elijah Cummings Pallbearer Refuses to Shake Mitch McConnell’s Hand at Memorial Service


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Calls For Defense of Democracy

Look, we’re not going to go too far in-depth on a day when Cummings is being remembered, but the ‘stand against corruption’ label is a bit of a stretch for somebody who served as a rubber stamp for Barack Obama’s corruption.

When she finished commenting on the man who is sitting in the Oval Office, what she genuinely thinks is her rightful place, Hillary pivoted to urging memorial guests to defend democracy.

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Clinton used the late Democrat congressman’s own words to offer a forceful defense.

“Toward the end of his life, he said, ‘I am begging the American people to pay attention to what is going on, because if you want to have a democracy intact for your children, and your children’s children, and generations yet unborn, we have got to guard this moment,'” she said.

Clinton went on, saying: “‘When we are dancing with the angels, the question will be asked,’ he said, ‘In 2019, what did we do to make sure we kept our democracy intact?'”

These words were coming from a woman who rigged the 2016 primary against her opponent, Bernie Sanders, then proceeded to deny for years that she lost the general election, something she once claimed was a “direct threat to democracy.”

RELATED: Trump Hammers Hillary Over Tulsi Gabbard Smear – Glad Others Are Finally Seeing She’s ‘Crazy’

Bitter Hillary

Earlier this year, Clinton spoke at an event titled ‘In Defense of American Democracy,’ where she promptly claimed the 2016 election was stolen from her due to voter suppression.

“Officials made every excuse in the books to prevent people from voting,” Clinton claimed without evidence.

“You can run the best campaign and have the best plans and get the nomination and win the popular vote and you can lose the Electoral College and therefore the election,” she added.

RELATED: Trump Taunts Hillary: Go Ahead, Jump in the 2020 Race

Clinton, of course, famously said prior to the last presidential election – when she thought she was going to win – that refusing to accept the results is “a direct threat to our democracy.”

Here she is, still whining about the election, still whining about President Trump, three years later and in the middle of a man’s funeral service.

Is it any wonder the President has called her “crazy”?

149 thoughts on “Hillary Can’t Help But Attack Trump at Elijah Cummings Funeral”

  1. The way Hillary acted at Cummings funeral was disgraceful. I was supposed to be about him and what he did for this country not about her loss. Hillary is a horrible EVIL person, and you know how bad she was a young person when Alinsky didn’t want anything to do with her while she was still in college. May Elijah Cummings RIP.

  2. I listened to some of the eulogies of the crony political elite patting each other on the back. They do it to make themselves seem above us all and somehow righteous. I have been around awhile and listened to what Rep. Cummings has said over the years. Hillary said he was a prophet? Anyway, I turned it off, the bullshit was getting deep. Rep. Cummings wasn’t what he was praised to be.

  3. In all fairness, Elijah is most likely cursing Trump wherever he may be right now. So hiLIARy bashing Trump during Elijah’s eulogy would have been well received if the poster child for term limits was still alive.

  4. Evil murdering Diva she cannot resist throwing stones at our president so it really proves she has so so much to hide murders lies stealing money and a husband who is a women preditot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!she is a murderer yeeks America wake up!

  5. Elijah Cummings was A CRIMINAL , he bought a $200,000,000 yacht that is docked in the French Riviera , he decided to treat himself with the billions he was allocated to help the people of Baltimore .

    Nice Yacht huh , that’s it. He’s corrupt to the bone and so is his wife.

  6. The look on her face, Bill’s face & Obama’s face said a 1000 words.

    Better lawyer-up.

    Big time sins coming to fruition.

    Even the open borders globalists’ can’t get you out-of-this dung you created.

    Odor is getting stronger by the day

  7. I see no problem with hildabeast spouting scripture because her blaspheming is just cementing her place in hell. All of those on the left are what God called unredeemable.

  8. Exactly he was that and Hillary Clinton is nothing but a liar, President Trump has kept or is still trying to fulfill every campaign promise he made less the obstruction of the Dumbassrats, so Hitlery ged down where you belong !!

  9. Get serious Killary, we did defend Democracy by defeating you in 2016. We will continue to do so by defeating you again in 2020. Take your evil, stupid spawn and disappear.

  10. God told us what was coming, and hil-LIAR-y is proof of it.

    “20 — Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
    21 — Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
    22 — Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:
    23 — Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

  11. Did Hillary just elude to calling Malania a Jezebel? HRC is out of her gourd! She and the Democratic party handed the presidency to Trump with a bow and gift tag! After 8 years of nothing but self adulation and stroking of the Hollywood Halfwits and the media, the average American was fed up and still are!

  12. I am more concerned that R’s in Congress are not waging a stance against the use of the term “our democracy”. Dang I have heard R’s using the phrase. The phrase is now actually normalized. Ask yourself who/what comes out the winner of the normaliziation. The Republic form of gov’t along with the U.S. Constitution is the loser. America is the loser.

    The winners hold on to your hat are the demon-rats [party of hate], the globalist NWO.

    We citizens of these United States are becoming the slaves of NWO (think authoritarian + tyrannical on steroids) this is no longer a conspiracy theory open your eyes its in full swing.

  13. The woman has no class at all – none! I’m no Trumper, but Donald’s wife is nothing but CLASS. I am so sick of hearing of Hillary Clinton and her pervert coke-head Bill and freak Podesta. I think the 3 of them murdered Vince Foster.

  14. Just ask the people in his district how great he was…And for the POS killery it is unthinkable to pick a funeral for political bashing she is a DISGRACE TO HUMANITY, A LOOSER AND A BTCH all rolled into a democRATic hero THERE IS NOTHING GOOD ABOUT THAT EVIL WOMAN……PERIOD…

  15. If anyone thinks for 1 second, cummings is in heaven, please see your minister.
    No way cummings, nor any politician, judges, lobbysists, ceo, banker etc could ever gain heaven when they have broken everyone of HIS commandments.
    Cummings wish the hell you took the rest of the rhinos, demorats and independents with you.
    A better day for America, is when Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Naddler, Watters, Greene, Jackons et al all die on the same day!

  16. This disgusting, deplorable witch is and always has been delusional! Hillary Clinton sincerely thinks that the White House belong to her and her sexual abusing husband and her crazy, weird daughter! Cross Hillary and she will have you killed, folks, and that has always been her way of doing things! The woman is worse than any mobster that has ever lived! Hillary is wicked to the core, and will continue to be until she is dead!

  17. Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.”

    Hillary, you of ALL people need to learn mocking God always brings predictably disastrous results. You are the FACE OF EVIL in America today.

  18. I have seen some sore losers in my time but these Dems are rediculous. YOU LOST. YOU WILL LOOSE AGAIN IN 2020. Do we get to listen to you cry for 4 more years?

  19. Hillary quoting our beloved Bibles is a step below her comparing E Cummings to the Prophet with the same name! Exodus 20, verse seven; “You shall not use OR repeat the name of the Lord in VAIN”! IE: Using his Holy Name frivolously in false affirmation, or to appeal to the audience for your own gain! We WILL be punished if we DO so! God’s name if HOLY and should only be used when praying, rejoicing at his goodness, or telling OTHERS of his love, Mercy, Grace and forgiveness! In MY opinion, invoking the name of God for personal benefit, while having NOTHING to do with him in our personal life; Is the WORST kind of profanity! The children of God who sat in the audience KNOWS her life and lifestyle! How dramatic to come out with her introduction of Gods creation! If she believed it, she would LIVE it! There’s NO greater peace, security, Jesus Joy nor contentment than KNOWING you are a child of God! He see’s EACH of us as his only child! No matter the color, shape, nor station in life; He LOVES us ALL the same! Even SINNERS! But aren’t we as Christians, also sinners?

  20. That vile biotch is in essence calling Trump King Ahab, and our First Lady Jezebel, That witch needs to be put away in some place where we never have to see or hear her ever again.

  21. She is brain dead. And what so bad is that everyone is afraid to tell her. There have been lots and lots of people being vaporized around her.. Even slick won’t tell her.

  22. There is something completely disturbing about this (I think she is) human being. This sick woman is at a funeral and just to show how stupid she is she brings up politics…REALLY. This so called human is just a waste to the human race. She and Billy just need to be imprisoned for life so we don’t have to hear from them again…oh crap what am I thinking CNN and MSNBC will set up a studio in the prison so they can still broadcast their views.

  23. Hillary Clinton ….“The devil can cite Scripture for….Her…. his purpose.
    An evil soul producing holy witness
    Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
    A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
    O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”
    ― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

  24. Wow I didn’t notice this but in the picture above she looks demonic, and half crazed. Just goes to show her true identity. Maybe Hollywood will make a new Exorcist movie starring the one and only Hillary Clinton a true Demon.

  25. Hillary Clinton Has just proved what Shakespeare once wrote, that…. ” The Devil can cite Scripture for his purpose,’ …..” From the Merchant Of Venice

  26. Hollywood should make a halloween movie about her. She claimed in her tirade against Trump: ‘When we are dancing with the angels. She forgot to mention which angels. I know they are not the ones in heaven, but the angel demons down under. lol

  27. rangerrebew1947

    What it really shows is her inability to change gears. She has held the Trump grudge for many years and simply can’t move on. Can anyone imagine her in a major crisis where she had to think and act quickly while she’s harboring one of her grudges?

  28. If you haven’t read the Saul Alinsky book, PLEASE do! You will see hoa just about EVERY dad-burn Democrat has used his method of brain-washing, indoctrination, building robots in our schools all the way through college! By the time they finish their education, they’re useless in facing todays world UNLESS you are part of a group who says “YES” to everything the Loony Left Liberals TELL them to do! ALL education responsibilities shoud be REMANDED back to the STATES! Gov. is incapable of teaching our children!
    They want PUPPETS, not PUPILS! Future Democrat/Communist/Muslims, et al! Our children deserve better!

  29. I have the hard back of ALL his books! He is an amazing man and a skilled writer! Making us THINK with our mind, while encouraging us to READ with our hearts, using common sense!

  30. “When we are dancing with the angels.”??? Does she actually believe she’ll be going to heaven?

    As for Cummings being like the prophet, Elijah, calling down fire from heaven, he couldn’t even do anything about the slum that he represented.

    Hillary isn’t helping herself when she quotes the bible, just the opposite.

  31. Hillary Clinton is just proving that she is incompetent of being in the Government. She has been crying over loosing in 2016. We are so fed up with her and the dishonest Democratic Party.

  32. I’m assuming you didn’t really care for the man and I couldn’t have said it better….Makes two of us on every point you make including the rest of the lowlifes you mention….Period…

  33. She tried to read it ONCE, but it burst into flames when she got within 10 feet of it. But she doesn’t need to read it, there are passages in there where Satan takes quotes out of context to try and tempt the Messiah.

  34. How is it possible that Shrillary’s tongue didn’t burst into flame, turn into ash, then leap out of her mouth and nail itself to the door on the nearest church, when she started quoting the bible? And SHE is talking about dancing with angels? 1) They don’t dance in Hell (unless you’re doing the “Macarena”) 2) She’s NOT going to see Heaven because they don’t want her, and she won’t be going to Hell, because Satan is afraid she’ll take over.

  35. Elijah Cummings isn’t dancing with angels, he is dodging flames in hell along with John McCain, in my opinion! Both traitors to our great nation.How could anyone be dancing with angels who was so full of hate and loathing and unforgiveness for others?

  36. I remember when Jimmy Carter made a not-so-subtle slam at George W. Bush during Coretta King’s funeral. I guess that’s just what they do. At least Jimmy actually does READ the Bible. Not quite sure about Hillary.

  37. Elijah Cummings was a vile, hateful, disgusting man who wanted to rule others! It is laughable to say that this man gave a damn about our democracy; he and his tribe of followers were trying to change our entire Constitution to fit their selfish needs! Cummings was a self-centered, arrogant man who yelled like a beast in an effort to get his way in our Congress! He was a disgrace to all American people! He let the people that he was elected to serve down year after year after year! Federal money that was intended for the people he served was stolen by this lying low life thief! In my opinion, Elijah Cummings was just as big a traitor to the United States as others who departed before him (such as John McCain with his lies and hatefulness)! All I have left to say is “May God have mercy on this horrible man’s soul!”

  38. Another case of transference – she knew she wouldn’t do it, so she figured Trump wouldn’t accept the final results. And la…she’s not accepted the results.

  39. Every thing she said about Cummings was BS , what she referred to about Trump attacking Democracy fit her a Slick Willy! Like the man said Trump has a rent free agreement in her head she can’t stand it or get him out !

  40. That’s for sure. The word “pure” should NEVER be used in connection with the name of Hillary Clinton! Using “pure” in the same sentence with “Hillary Clinton” is an oxymoron!

  41. Elijah Cummings never said anything worth remembering. He was the Democrat version of Mitt Romney and John McCain. Some don’t like to speak evil of the dead, but when the dead are evil, what else can you say about them?

  42. she can’t even attend someone’s funeral without attacks on President Trump.. she didn’t mention his name, But it was obvious who she was attacking.. the hate lying B$T%H needs to crawl back under her rock… and stop poisoning the minds of the liberals who believe her garbage…
    Heaven help our country…

  43. Is Elijah’s wife still under investigation for self-dealing? I assume this disqualifies any thought of her taking over his seat. Oh I forgot she is a Democrat so the investigation is likely racially motivated or something.

  44. I think Hillary is right when she says they will be dancing with the angels. What she did not specify is the angels that she is talking about and those are the ones that were cast from heaven. Go dance with them all you want Hillary. Just keep quiet and stay away from us.

  45. Using a funeral for political barbs is disgusting, while I didn’t agree with him 99% of the time and certainly not about how Balto. has come over the last 40+ years, I certainly do not think the behavior of the Clinton’s and ex Pres. Obama was appropriate.

  46. He’s not in hell just yet, just as no one has gone to Heaven yet. Scripture says that when Christ returns he will take the dead in Christ and then the living in Christ (his true followers) and all of the rest will suffer the wrath of God and then be cast into the Lake of fire! I hope he is enjoying this short rest!

  47. “Next to nothing”??????? Name one thing he did that was good for Baltimore, and that doesn’t mean something that was good for only a segment of the population.

  48. No he was wrong! The United States is NOT a democracy, it is a republican form of government – try reading the Constitution and stop repeating the lies of the left. A democracy is “mob” rule and can vote away the rights of the people by majority vote. Our Constitution prevents that, that’s why we have both the electoral college and the Supreme Court.

  49. No, the Electoral College does NOT exist simply because we have a republic.
    It was created because our country was created by a willing merger of 13 independent States (countries) and none wanted their voices drowned.

  50. Maybe you should read the Constitution. We do NOT have a democracy, we have a Republican form of government, that its why we have the electoral college. The government continues to claim us as a democracy, because that is how socialism establishes itself, through “mob” rule! A republican form of government prevents the majority from voting away the rights of the people.

  51. That takes real brass to convert a solemn event as a funeral which is to pray for the soul of the departed, rather than convert the proceedings into a stump speech for her bruised ego. How does one without a soul, dare to make such statements? This inmate , who managed to stay free of the asylum, needs to be returned there at the earliest opportunity. She has already booked her trip to Gehenna. Where is the bus?

  52. She is right that Trump is a threat to “her” democracy, what she doesn’t understand is that the United States is NOT a democracy, it is a Republican form of government – that is the reason for the electoral college.

    I also think it is laughable that cummings seriously thinks he will be dancing with angels. God said in Ecclesiastes 10:2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. There will be no fools in Heaven!

  53. She demonstrated her essence.
    Now comes she & Bill’s fall from phony media grace for history to record. It will be another rise & fall for greed & power story.

  54. She has really destroyed the democratic party. A soulless big government party bleeding America in debt while declaring phony promises to working-class that built this party.

  55. Reality:

    His soul was Samuel Jackson in Django.

    He suppressed his own people in Baltimore City. Why they continued to vote for him as their community rotted away is the big question.

  56. actually I was surprised she seemed to stay a little ‘calm and collected’…I must have been ‘wool gathering’ during the Bible implications. In any case, she needs to just shut up and go away. Same with the Legend O-Horror… the bumbling, stumbling, fumbling, mumbling O-Biden and all the other hypocrites in their happy little LeftLoonGarden of Ghouls & Guys…

  57. Sorry to disappoint

    Elijah judgement is in the basement for eternity.

    The love in his heart is /was with the deep state.

    Even his phony eulogy by preacher couldn’t pass muster.

  58. To use a dead person as a platform to run for an office that you’ve lost once already is totally disgusting,, her and Obama were the worst crooks there ever was in our government they gave away our secrets they gave away our resources they gave away our jobs don’t put a Democrat back up there if you do America is doomed.

  59. Doesn’t it turn your stomach to hear someone like that transformed into an angel, just because he died?? And Hillary should never, ever, quote God’s Holy Word! (unless she truly repented, & I can’t imagine that ever happening! – She’s probably in way too deep!)

  60. Cummings was correct our Democracy is being threatened alright. But the threat comes from the Dem party, his party! It’s been hi-jacked by the Commies and they are the real threat!!

  61. GreenBlaze Hillary is a very, very bitter, so called human…………Cummings did next to nothing for Baltimore…………was hardly ever there…………all slums with regard………look up James W Rouse…….he did more in his day for Baltimore and beyond then Cummings and Pelosi and her brother and father (both mayors of Baltimore) ever accomplished…….all the so called glory is so sad for Baltimore as said city still reaps with rot and crime to the extreme…………best to all and prayers for Baltimore and the very recent death of Nancy’s brother Good Luck

  62. This woman is sick, sick, sick. She should not be allowed to speak anywhere. I can’t believe she used a friends funeral to make comments like this. Disgraceful.

  63. What did Cummings & Hillary mean about “having a democracy intact for your children, and your children’s children, and generations yet unborn”?? THEY – and ALL Democrats – have fought ‘tooth & nail’ to have EVERY POSSIBLE baby aborted that they can! If they have THEIR way, there soon will be NO LIVE real American babies born! – ONLY to illegals & M’s!

  64. Can I have a capital D a capital E a capital L a capital U a capital S a capital I a capital O a capital N a capital A a capital N…What’s it spell DELUSIONAL!

  65. “Like that Old Testament prophet,” she announced, “he stood against corrupt leadership of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel.”
    If anyone has the guts, they should read the book, ” THE BOOK OF MYSTERIES” by Jonathan Cahn, wherein he beautifully compares Bill Clinton to KING AHAB & his wife to Queen Jezebel…. & today she dares to compare these 2 biblical characters to Trump & Melania?……… Give me a break……

  66. Yet a week before the 2016 election Hillary asked Trump on national tv at the end of the last debate – if he would accept the final results – that included her stating – the results through the electoral college. Trump said “We’ll see” and the media GASPED. Hillary gave a stare to the camera insinuating – See he won’t accept the results. SHE’S SUCH A LIAR. Only a IGNORANT FOOL would support her. She’s totally delusional. Halloween scary. Psycho.

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