Watch: Elijah Cummings Pallbearer Refuses to Shake Mitch McConnell’s Hand at Memorial Service

Bobby Rankin, a pallbearer for Elijah Cummings, refused to shake the hand of Senator Mitch McConnell during the late Democrat’s memorial service.

How one can be so motivated by hatred as to make such a gesture during a somber memorial defies explanation.

The snub was quite obvious.

Rankin shook hands in a line with several members of Congress, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and House Minority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

After engaging with Schumer, Rankin walks right past McConnell who was holding his hand outstretched to greet him, and gives House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) a warm hug.

RELATED: Elijah Cummings, Maryland Democrat and Vocal Trump Critic, Passes Away at Age 68


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Schumer Thrilled

It’s difficult not to notice the stunned look on McConnell’s face, clearly not expecting somebody to pull off a bush league move like this at a memorial.

Equally as difficult to ignore – the pure elation on Schumer’s face as he stares and smiles in McConnell’s direction.

Praise, of course, abounded for liberals on social media.

Normally I support only gracious behavior at funerals, which have a way of bringing enemies together,” one Twitter user wrote. “But in this case, I will allow the well- deserved shade #bobbyrankin cast at McConnell who has earned it.”

Deserved for what? Attending services for a colleague and offering praise for this man’s friend?


Another user posted the video for ‘Wind Beneath My Wings’ with Rankin serving as her new hero.

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McConnell Is All Class

Despite the obvious snub, McConnell went on to deliver touching remarks about Cummings during his eulogy.

Cummings, he said, “Did not just represent Baltimore, he embodied it,” adding, “He celebrated its victories, sought to advocate for its needs, and worked to heal its wounds.”

“He knew there was only one reason why a son of sharecroppers, a child who had literally had to bear the injuries of bigotry, and segregation, could graduate from law school, and eventually chair, a powerful committee in Congress,” McConnell somberly explained.

“Only one reason, because principled leaders had fought to give kids like him a chance.”

Principles and integrity have clearly been tossed out the window in this highly polarized political era.

It’s hard to imagine that Cummings would have approved of Rankin’s gesture. And it’s sad that he’s become the story in the midst of a congressional icon’s memorial service.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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