The Top 5 Most Important Questions Biden Must Answer During The Debate

Here Are 5 Questions Biden Must Answer During The Debate

Tonight, the first presidential debate between incumbent Republican Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden will take place.

No one knows exactly what questions will be asked.

But we have a list of questions that absolutely should be asked of Joe Biden.

1. Can Biden Explain Why His Son, Hunter Biden, Reportedly Received $3.5 Million From the Former Mayor of Moscow’s Wife?

Last week, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security released a report mentioning Hunter Biden.

The Political Insider’s coverage of the report states, “Biden, the son of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden, engaged in ‘extensive and complex financial transactions’ that were thoroughly analyzed by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees.”

“The report was released on Wednesday… states that Hunter ‘formed significant and consistent financial relationships’ with Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma.”

The report also contained this nugget as one of the key findings: “Biden’s financial transactions… include a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.”

Why would such a transaction exist?

There is likely more to the reason behind these financial exchanges than the Bidens have been made to answer for.

What was the purpose of the wire transfer? Why was Hunter Biden involved financially with Elena Baturina?

RELATED: Rush Limbaugh: Explosive Hunter Biden Report Vindicates Trump For Asking Ukraine to Investigate Bidens

2. Does Biden Still Believe Supreme Court Nominees Can Be Voted On During An Election Year – As He Did In 2016?

Right now, Democrats are insisting Republicans should not be able to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Trump nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

They say we should wait until after the election.

What does Biden believe about this?

Biden wrote in a 2016 New York Times op-ed, “I know there is an argument that no nominee should be voted on in the last year of a presidency. But there is nothing in the Constitution — or our history — to support this view.”

In a 2016 speech at Georgetown Law School, Biden said, “I would go forward with a confirmation process as chairman, even a few months before a presidential election if the nominee were chosen with the advice, and not merely the consent, of the Senate.”

Biden was referring to then-President Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland.

Does he believe the same logic should be applied to Amy Coney Barrett now?

If not, why not?

RELATED: Trump Slams ‘Anti-Catholic’ Attacks Against SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett

3. Will Biden Institute A National Mask Mandate As President?

“We’ll have a national mandate to wear a mask,” Biden said halfway through his speech at the Democratic National Convention in August.

Later, Biden said that the Constitution doesn’t give the president the power to enact such a mandate.

Right now, some Democratic leaders are insisting on nationwide mandates – or laws that would withhold federal funds from states that fail to enact such restrictions.

Biden has said yay and nay to a national mask mandate – what would his answer be on debate night?

RELATED: Biden’s Yes-No-Yes Stance on Mandatory Face Masks

4. Would Biden Bring U.S. Troops Home From Afghanistan and Iraq?

Biden likes to talk a lot about his former boss Barack Obama.

Obama became president in 2008 to a large degree because he called out the folly of the Iraq War.

Today, President Trump calls the U.S. invading Iraq in 2003 one of the worst foreign policy mistakes in our country’s history.

He is also taking steps to bring all American troops home from our “endless war” in Afghanistan.

Biden seemingly disagrees with bringing the troops home.

Axios reported on September 11, “Biden made news on Thursday when he told Stars and Stripes that he supports a sustained U.S. military footprint of up to 1,500-2,000 on the ground — primarily for special operations against ISIS and other terror threats — in the war that began after the 9/11 terrorist attacks 19 years ago.”

“These forever wars have to end … but here’s the problem, we still have to worry about terrorism,” Biden said.

How long would a President Biden keep U.S. forces in a war that began two decades ago? Another few years? Eight years?

Would Biden ever bring the troops home?

The answer is important to many voters.

RELATED: Trump To Announce He’s Bringing Home Thousands Of U.S. Troops From Iraq And Afghanistan

5. Does Biden Support The Green New Deal – Which Could Destroy Jobs In States Like Kentucky and West Virginia?

Some observers have said that Biden’s shift to the left has led the Democratic presidential nominee to support the radical Green New Deal all but in name.

That socialist scheme, sponsored in part by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is supposed to address climate change.

But Trump economic adviser Larry Kudlow said in practice, the Green New Deal would “knock out energy, transportation, airlines, jobs, businesses. We’ll probably lose 10 to 15% of our GDP. It’s remarkable.”

No doubt, coal miners would be targeted, which is a significant part of the economies of states like Kentucky and West Virginia.

States Biden desperately needs to win in this election.

RELATED: AOC Confident That The Radical Left Can ‘Push’ Biden In a ‘More Progressive Direction’

How to Watch the First Presidential Debate

First Presidential Debate

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

9 – 10:30pm Eastern

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

WATCH LIVE at The Political Insider

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  • Fox News
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  • NBC

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is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He ... More about John Hanson
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