Media Pushes Story About Russian Election Hacking That Never Happened

russia hack

At the very least, it’s the biggest ‘fake news’ story since “Hands up, don’t shoot” entered the mainstream consciousness.

The American media has embarked on a coordinated effort with Democrats and President Obama to push a false narrative about the election, and delegitimize the presidency of Donald Trump.

The ‘fake news’ story they’re running with? Telling the American people that the election was “hacked” by “the Russians.”

It was not. The phrase “hacked the election” has no meaning.

Anybody who has been paying attention knows that any information released by WikiLeaks during the 2016 election involved emails from the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

First off, WikiLeaks has repeatedly explained that the Russians were not the source of their information. Second, even as Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for their alleged interference, the White House has yet to provide any actual proof behind allegations that Russia both hacked into Democrat emails and distributed them via WikiLeaks to the American people.

Even if the first part turns out not to be true, and the second part is proven …

This is not even vaguely equivalent to hacking the election itself. Russia didn’t “hack” any voting machines and change vote counts.

False headline indeed … Yet, here is the media’s coordinated effort to implement that ‘election hack’ angle into their stories.

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Election hack, election hack, election hack.

That is just a small sampling to be sure, as just about every major news outlet ran with the ‘election hack’ angle. It is clearly either a widespread coordinated effort by the media to support Obama’s narrative, or we are supposed to believe that the top journalists in the industry all fundamentally misunderstand the facts behind the story, all running with the same fake headlines.

How effective is it to push such a blatant false narrative? A new poll indicates that 50 percent of Hillary Clinton voters believe Russia stole the election from her, that they actually tampered with vote numbers.

Hillary Clinton got the ball rolling on the scourge of ‘fake news’ during a post-election speech in which she decried the “epidemic” as having “flooded social media over the past year.”

In reality, readers will get more facts from social media on any given day than they will with the Democrat Party’s favorite media outlets.

Comment: Is the mainstream media the true source of fake news in America? Share your thoughts below.

18 thoughts on “Media Pushes Story About Russian Election Hacking That Never Happened”

  1. Fake News comes from the Main Street media and has for years. Just watch TV or news for last two weeks and you’d be hard pressed to deny it. The bad thing is they are going after Alternate news that you get the real story. Facebook has hired two left agencies to determine who is fake..You tube has started after independent producers and stopped paying them for their films. On December 23rd Obama formed a governmental news agency who will determined what we watch. Obama is now looking for a Joseph Goebbels relative to run it.

  2. Excellent thoughts Larry and Eileen. Those so called “members of the fifth estate,” are failing the people; but perhaps are pleasing their masters. This is not the first time they are guilty of not reporting the truth… I vaguely remember this thing called “Yellow Journalism,” and this chant, “Remember the Maine!”
    Once again, this is a diversion… For one, I’d like to know how much data the Chinese hacked, and how much $$$ did they and the Sauds give the DNC?
    Finally, the $64 question, who conducted the poll and the methodology used to obtain the conclusion that 50ish% of Clinton supporters believe the Russians stole the election. It might be ironic that it could be the same people who kept telling us that their polls favor (some almost by a landslide) that degenerate, kicked off the Nixon impeachment committee, harpy-hag criminal, that I’ll just call “Sock’s Guardian.” (To end on a positive note.)

  3. It’s a false flag to delegitimize President-elect Trumps Presidency!
    Everybody is more upset about how the emails were revealed than the absolute truth in the emails which show how dishonest the entire Democratic platform was. The truth is the truth! As Jack Nicholson said, “You can’t stand the truth”

  4. It’s a false flag to delegitimize President-elect Trumps Presidency!
    Everybody is more upset about how the emails were revealed than the absolute truth in the emails which show how dishonest the entire Democratic platform was. The truth is the truth! As Jack Nicholson said, “You can’t stand the truth”

  5. It’s a false flag to delegitimize President-elect Trumps Presidency!
    Everybody is more upset about how the emails were revealed than the absolute truth in the emails which show how dishonest the entire Democratic platform was. The truth is the truth!

  6. Western world media, from Berlin to Los Angeles, has supported the DNC, Obama-Clinton and continues to support the attempt to reverse Americans´ choice for president. It isnt exactly novel that the same owners of the same propaganda media now _use_ the chief administrator of the Clinton Crime Foundation to further their agenda of smearing Russia. The puppet behavior of the Saudi spy (per Dr. Jim Garrow, former CIA agent) permitting the owners of the news media to use him to continue their agenda of smearing Russia reveals more clearly that he has always been the puppet of the owners of the news propaganda, not the reverse. We now see more clearly, evidence of “controlled opposition” via the Carlyle Group puppet, BHObama.

  7. God planned everyone to have one ass hole and America ended up with three – The demoncrats, Obama, and the Liberal media. Russia did not tamper with the election in anyway. The media should be charged for all of their lies trying to convince us the Herr Killary was a legitimate nominee. Hey losers—it didn’t work so stop your crying—-crawl back into your holes and sleep for the next eight years. Time for Patriotic Americans to kick back at the fake news and start complaining to the sponsors of these media dummies. Also, since your TV’s are connected to data collection by your cable boxes…..avoid the main news streams ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and their affiliates.

  8. Isn’t it interesting that the fact that these email records revealed the truth is so seldom mentioned? But then, when has the main stream media ever let the truth get in the way of its leftward leaning narrative?

  9. Emails were leaked and were released by Wikileaks. The only FACTS. Maybe they were leaked by that staffer of hers who was found dead. Maybe Russia did hack them. The only thing damaging to the election was the content of the emails that had previously been hidden from us. I say that is a good thing. Hillary and Obama had been caught in a web of lies and continue to spin to justify themselves. The problem is the emails themselves, not who revealed them to us. The fact that they are trying to deflect from the emails with even more lies is downright frightening! What other sleazy acts is Obama’s administration involved in? About time that gutter gets cleaned out.

  10. Without Fake News “Urinalists” in the Fake New Business (MS-LSD, CNN, ABC, et al) wouldn’t have anything to talk about other than FACTS, which would drive them all, more insane! :)

  11. Russia spies on the US, the US spies on Russia. Every country spies of every other country. Every country spies on its own citizens. Every country can read all emails and listen to phone calls. This is common knowledge. This is cause for concern but it is not the heart of the matter.

    Of much more concern is often over looked.

    And For What Reason?

  12. The mainstream media are promoting a false narrative with their choice of vocabulary and their wording! Pres. Obama has done the same. One needs to pay close attention to what is actually written or said and use critical thinking skills to interpret this. Mainstream media continue to hold the opinion that Americans are too “ignorant and ill-informed” to tell the difference between fact and allegation.

  13. If ALL conservatives will boycott the mainstream media sources AND their sponsors, their wallets and ratings would begin drying up. Make them report news again instead of biased opinions if a story is even covered at all.

  14. Let’s see now – The corrupt radical MSM is liberal – would anyone disagree? My guess would be many are anti Christianity and pro muslim. Russia and Trump represent Christian nations and are anti terrorism so therefore MSM promotes Russian hacking with no evidence. That might also go for the politicians who might have something to hide.

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