Gingrich Rips Into Biden – Says His ‘Surrender To The Taliban Is Now Complete’

Biden Gingrich

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) spoke out on Tuesday to declare that Joe Biden’s “surrender to the Taliban is now complete” after the president caved to the Taliban and agreed to stick to the August 31 deadline to evacuate Americans from Afghanistan.

Biden did this despite the fact that many have declared this deadline to be unrealistic.

Gingrich Attacks Biden

“Biden’s surrender to the Taliban is now complete,” Gingrich wrote on Twitter. “He will leave Afghanistan on the Taliban time table even if it leaves Americans and allies stranded in the country.”

“His humiliation and failure is now complete. Worst moral collapse by an American President in our history,” he continued.

Related: Marjorie Taylor Greene And Lindsey Graham Call For Biden To Be Impeached Over Afghanistan

Gingrich Trashes Biden Admin

Last week, Gingrich trashed the Biden administration for their handling of the Afghanistan crisis, going so far as to call for top military officials to resign over it.

“The damage he has done, I don’t know if it’s senility, ignorance or arrogance but I do know that the secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs should both resign,” he said while appearing on Fox News. “They accepted a plan that was militarily impossible. You don’t give up Bagram Airfield and think you’re going to keep the embassy. This is insanity.”

“I think President Biden has in his own brain blocked out any information which would challenge what he decided,” Gingrich continued. “Look, he’s got a bad problem. He made the decision to surrender to the Taliban. That decision is not working very well. He can’t walk it back.”

Related: Newt Gingrich Demands Top Military Officials Resign Over Biden’s ‘Surrender’ To Taliban

“I mean, he can’t announce tomorrow morning that we’re going to send 40,000 troops to recapture Kabul and begin to destroy the Taliban, so he’s got, I think in his mind, he’s going to live through this horrible tragedy,” he said.

“We’ll come out the other end, and he’ll get to go back and talk about COVID and paying off the teacher’s union, and things passing a $3.5 trillion socialist big government bill,” Gingrich concluded. 

Though Biden has tried to defend his handling of the crisis in Afghanistan, his approval rating has plummeted over the past few days as it has continued to escalate.

This piece was written by James Samson on August 25, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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