Funny How That Works – Public Education Is Run By Democrats Who Hate The Country

Funny How That Works - Public Education Is Run By Democrats Who Hate The Country

I know one thing for a certain fact. Public education in this nation with its current curriculum and how it is implemented is totally antithetical to the existence and survival of the US.

The teacher’s unions and the left hate corporations and capitalism, yet their plush public pensions depend on a healthy investment climate.

But since they demand taxpayers make up any investment losses, it is no skin off their nose if they keep destroying the US economy and give us a lost generation of K-12 students.

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They are eating their seed corn, but too stupid to know this. I do not want these people to teach my children.


It only took 50 years for the commie unions in the public schools to ruin the schools. Of course, we have to remember that when they bowed to the unions they stopped allowing the Bible into schools’ curriculums. They have reaped the whirlwind in some places.

What can you expect from schools that have become branches of the leftist-liberal propaganda machine where children are taught to despise their country and themselves for the perceived sin of “white supremacy”.

If they survive public school they go on to universities and colleges where the self-destruction is 10 times more severe at the hands of proudly Marxist/fascist instructors protected by tenure.


We sat in rows, kept quiet, paid attention, learned a lot, and any disruptive kids got sent to the principal’s office. Once. They never wanted to get sent there again.

In those days, students all spoke English, teachers had the authority to discipline their students, send misbehaving kids to the principal’s office, and make sure the parents knew when their children acted out.

Teachers these days can’t control a classroom of students where many can’t speak English and many whose parents don’t care. That’s the difference.

Thank the ACLU who forced the schools to accept children that were not capable of the rigors of school. Some of the children even make seasoned teachers afraid for their safety.

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Perhaps this is the end of the National Teachers’ Association? This public union is now making the lives of teachers miserable. Ironic?


If you want to save America, shut down the Education Department and make sure the federal government can never again be involved in education. Education should be a local and state matter. Once parental control is once more resumed, you will see a return to traditional schooling.

The Constitution prohibits the federal government from regulating education. Let’s start the debate there.

The pandemic has brought focus to our lousy schools, teachers, unions, and the leftist curricula. Most parents will do what is in the best interest of their own kids. The change will happen if enough parents demand it.

The federal government has no reason nor authority to have anything to do with education. Defund the feds and let each state decide the minimums and each locality through citizen and parent cooperation decides what is best for their children. Maybe what is needed in Idaho may not be the same as in Arkansas?


Nothing in the US Constitution remotely grants to the federal government the power to educate American children. The Department of Education should and MUST be eliminated. And if re-elected, President Trump should push very hard to do so.

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He will have plenty of backing from almost everyone except the teacher’s unions, the Democrat Party, some establishment RINO Republicans, and the entire LEFT, including their media minions. It is the right thing to do for so many reasons.

If successful, he will go down in history as the first President to eliminate an unnecessary, harmful and unconstitutional federal department, and will set the stage for the elimination or downsizing of other government departments as well, as the people come to realize that such departments are not needed and are in fact counterproductive.

Jimmy Carter created the Department of Education in 1979 and since then it has grown exponentially while scores and results gave tanked.

If one president can create it, another can remove it.



Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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