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Gavin Newsom
October 2, 2023
The California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) has weaponized schools against non-"affirming" parents in a "transgender inquisition."
oakland teachers strike
May 26, 2023
Teachers in the Oakland Unified School District began their third strike in just over a year on May 4, demanding…
March 15, 2023
Teacher courses that promoted critical race theory in Michigan were funded by Gretchen Whitmer's pandemic relief funding.
A Maryland teacher posted multiple TikTok videos bragging about "indoctrinating" her students on Marxist ideology and called for a violent revolution against capitalism.
March 15, 2023
A Maryland teacher posted multiple TikTok videos bragging about "indoctrinating" her students on Marxist ideology and called for a violent…
teachers union strikes
September 13, 2022
This year instead of a pandemic halting the school year, the bump in the educational road is teachers unions.
randi weingarten conservatives
August 10, 2022
Randi Weingarten leveled the allegation that "Conservatives are working consistently to undermine educators in this country."
virginia school board pronouns
August 1, 2022
Eight school board members from five school divisions filed a brief with the Virginia Supreme Court in support of West…
oregon teachers individualism
July 29, 2022
Oregon’s Department of Education is spending $2 million to train teachers to reject the "eurocentric worldview" of "individualism."
pa teachers union
May 25, 2022
By Adam Andrzejewski for RealClearPolicy Pennsylvania entrepreneur Paul Martino donated $60,000 to school board candidates running in his local school
maryland antiracism spending
April 20, 2022
In Maryland, Montgomery County Public Schools paid a group over $1 million to implement an anti-racism curriculum in their schools.
Democrats And Teachers' Unions Shout 'Censorship' As More States Introduce Curriculum Transparency Bills
February 4, 2022
because schools are not required to post curriculums online, Republicans and parents are pushing for bills to do just that.
keep schools open
January 10, 2022
The surging omicron variant is creating pressure for schools to return to remote learning. But closing schools would be a…