Major Conservative Rubio Supporter Has STRONG Words For Marco

Dennis Miller

Everyone has been blindsided by the discovery of what a nasty piece of work Marco Rubio has turned out to be, and how he kept it so well hidden – proving that politicians are indeed the very best actors.

I have been fighting against the Washington elite and congressmen on my radio show for the last seven years. Let me put this to you straight, the people in Washington DC are not our friends, and they never were. To get elected, they serve themselves… and that’s the problem.

This election has shown you the real Marco Rubio, you just can’t make this stuff up. Even comedian/actor Dennis Miller is shocked about the actions of the Florida Senator.

From The O’Reilly Factor:

Dennis Miller: I didn’t see this coming but Trump the billionaire has become a blue collar hero. I think when John Roberts jammed Obamacare through, John Roberts, I remember thinking, that is the straw that broke the camel smoker’s back. I think all these guys in the rust belt are thinking, I’m getting screwed around out here. I know Trump has a gold-plated apartment but in an odd way he’s appealing to the rust belt. I think I heard Romney’s coming out tomorrow. You know, I love Mitt, I voted for him. I don’t know what he’s doing if he’s not jumping in. If he’s coming out to trash Trump, oh I see, he’s going to be done in by the Republicans. It’s going to be that “Et tu Brute” thing… And there’s no coincidence involved in that there’s an “R U” in Cruz, Rubio and Brute…

Bill O’Reilly: Let me tell you something about Trump. He’s essentially a blue collar guy. I sit there at the game with him and, I mean, we’re not eating caviar, we’re eating hotdogs. And he’s an ex-shortstop. He played baseball.

Dennis Miller: All of that seems superfluous. But he’s starting to make some good enemies. And that always intrigues me. Listen Ted Cruz seems like a smart guy but he’s stiff, man. They got to pump some goose grease into those armpits and get him moving. Rubio I’m almost afraid to talk against now. Because I thought I knew him a week ago. I didn’t know him at all. He is a nasty piece of work. And I find it interesting that Rubio only found his voice when tellingly the higher ups in the GOP told him to find his voice. It’s weird to me.

Even though he was laughing, Miller was not joking in speaking about Rubio. You are seeing the side of a politician you never want to experience, especially if you have looked up to him as something different.

H/T: The O’Reilly Factor

What do you think of Marco Rubio’s actions these last couple of weeks? He’s only won one state primary, in Minnesota. Do you think his campaign is over? Share your comments below in those know what you think.

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree