Oops, the media messed up again. This week, President Trump told reporters that he would ‘certainly’ leave after the Electoral College votes Joe Biden into office.
After the media has constantly tried to use scare tactics on the American people by claiming Trump wouldn’t leave without destroying something, namely the Constitution.
READ: Trump’s Lawsuit Over Pennsylvania Voting Is Dismissed By Federal Appeals Court
It's astonishing that the media people who tried scaring the shit out of everyone by saying there'd be coups & civil wars are now claiming this didn't happen only because they stopped it with their tweets & columns — instead of admitting they — again — spread false hysteria: https://t.co/H7J7S1j9FP
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 27, 2020
The “news” media has been liberally biased for decades, if not for over a century (according to some).
The astonishment is that so many people continue to view these outlets as purveyors of unvarnished facts without their own (nearly always left-leaning) spin.
The media depend upon the naiveté of their audiences, and unfortunately, for good reason because they are.
Trump, as always, takes the sensible path. As for the Democrat’s hysteria over the election, well, let’s say if there was no cheating, then why would they fight so hard to stop any recounts or for any examination of the process?
I particularly like all those mail-in votes that were counted a day before they were actually sent out.
READ: Trump Reveals Vaccine Deliveries Could Begin As Early As Next Week
Keep an eye on social media platforms
The media is a propaganda machine for the left and strongly so since the election of Bill Clinton.
I’m glad for some “truth to the bone” conservative-leaning websites, like the Political Insider, because I get more truth out of them than the reporters that should be helping the American public.
In my opinion, a free press has only as much freedom as a big business will allow. Today the politicians are in bed with the lobbyists, and the press is in love with the almighty dollar.
Yes, Fox News, that goes for you too. When it bleeds, it leads.
Also, be very wary of getting news from social media platforms. The AI algorithms that social media sites are built on are designed to selectively feed you news stories to keep you on that site as long as possible as that generates more advertising revenue for them.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; if you’re into gardening, it will filter gardening stories and advertisements to your page.
However, if you start to go down either a Trump bad/Biden good or Biden bad/Trump good wormhole, you’re not very far from landing on an Antifa or alt-right site.
The AI algorithm that guided you isn’t evil; it’s just emotionless and doing the job it was designed to do.
Can things be fixed?
There is always an opportunity to change reasonable hearts and minds but don’t lean on the mainstream media to do, please don’t!
I come across many young people every day in my business and always take the time to engage with them. I encourage them to look for truth, no matter where it takes you.
Not Left or Right necessarily but the truth. Do your research and come to your own conclusions. Many are just ignorant as they have not been educated to be rational thinkers.
We know the main problem. States with Republicans in charge must fix their schools now. If we cannot fix the schools, our republic’s loss is just a matter of time.
If you are sending kids to college, let them know beforehand of the social justice nonsense that will confront them to be well prepared to deal with it.
Trump poked the devil (the Democratic Party), and the devil didn’t like it.
Now all the devil allies, the demons of hades (the MSM, big, tech, and the deep state), are determined to kill this Trump MAGA threat and protect its existence.
If America loses to the existential threat of the Democratic Party, there is little chance of recovery.
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