Report: Alabama Senate Candidate Doug Jones Backed By George Soros-Funded PACs

doug jones funded george soros

In effort to drum up support in the reddest state in America, Democratic Alabama Senate candidate Doug Jones has attempted to portray himself as a person outside Washington special interests – but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Per a Politico report published Monday, the mysterious super PAC that has poured $4 million into the Alabama special election, Highway 31, is a “joint project” of two of the Democrats’ largest super PACs – Senate Majority PAC and Priorities USA Action – both of which are funded by liberal one-world billionaire George Soros.

If that’s not the opposite of grassroots, I don’t know what is.

According to the report, FEC filings show that Highway 31 was created in November. And while “Birmingham lawyer Edward Still is listed as the group’s treasurer, it was, in fact, founded jointly with Senate Majority PAC, the outside group closely tied to Democratic leadership in the Senate.” Notably, Priorities USA Action funded both Barack Obama in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in 2016.

No wonder Jones has kept quiet about the true source of his funding. Per FEC law, super PACs are not required to disclose their donors until after the election.

The revelation makes it perfectly clear about who wants Jones elected and why. Soros, who has poured millions into both Senate Majority PAC and Priorities USA Action, has given more than $550 million to underwrite nearly every major liberal initiative, including pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-gay marriage, pro-drug legalization, pro-union, pro-government-funded media, and attacks against the concept of free elections and voting for judges. It’s hardly surprising that he wants to do whatever he can to stamp out Roy Moore.

At a Friday night rally in Pensacola, Florida, President Donald Trump said, “We can’t afford to have a liberal Democrat who is completely controlled by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. His name is Jones and he’s a total puppet.” Turns out he was right.

H/T: The Daily Wire

The Alabama special election is today! Share this with your friends and family on Facebook to spread the truth about Democrat candidate Doug Jones!

38 thoughts on “Report: Alabama Senate Candidate Doug Jones Backed By George Soros-Funded PACs”

  1. All the Democrats are SOROS Puppets. Why hasn’t he been extradited to his country of birth for the very things he has turned the Democratic Party into? Oh ya, he owns the Party. American’s need to vote all the Democrats out of office during the next couple election cycles. They are totally against this Republic and its citizens. One only needs to look how bad they have screwed up California, New York and other Democratic controlled States. California has been turned into a third country S _ _ _ hole. The major cities are being destroyed, drug needles on side walks, fecal matter on doors and sidewalks of businesses, poor and homeless keep going up. Democrats answer, declare California a Sanctuary city and allow undocumented/illegal immigrants in by the millions. And provide them with free education, healthcare, and welfare to the tune of 23 Billion in 2017 and it will keep going up. The Governors and Mayors need to be recalled and the Attorney General needs to be fired also. Democrats only care about Power & Money and will subvert and destroy America to get it and keep it.

    1. Don’t look to comparisons between Soros and Koch brothers to virtue signal for the Democrats.
      While we know of so many Jews who are wonderful people this ethnic but atheist Jew got his start in life as a Nazi collaborator. He worked for the Nazis to locate and procure Jewish treasury of his former neighbors and family friends. That much he admits to but he does not mention that his knowledge was likely also a Nazi tool for finding and exporting Jews. His justification is that if he didn’t do it someone else would have. His 20 billion now thoroughly laundered partly by swamping national currencies and breaking struggling nations he attempts to use as salve for his twisted concept of international justice. “Borders historically have been fought over therefor destroy borders and the concept of nationalism”. So now his Nazism super ego wars with itself; His Socialist side is winning over the Nationalist side in his National Socialism Party spirit which he faithfully served as a teenager. He hates Jews, but I am seen as anti-Semitic for despising him.

  2. …this is why I call them ‘soroscrats’…the former nazi collaborator (along with the muslim-brotherhood) owns every last one of the depraved, debauched, demented, derelict, deceitful deadbeat anti-American, pro-muslim communistic fascists….

    1. U ever heard of Koch brothers? Didn’t think so.
      Charles G. Koch and David H. Koch, today commonly referred to as the Koch brothers – and the only two of Fred Koch’s four sons still with Koch Industries – are affiliated with the Koch family foundations. They have also founded and funded a number of conservative and libertarian political organizations.

      U folks r being played to ignore the political reach of the Kochs. Where Soros has donated millions the Koch’s have donated billions to Republicans. They own Scott Walker of Wisconsin

      So, of course, in the mind of Republicans their has to be a boogie man for nincompoops to feast on. And feast on u all do. If there is any news it’s Nazi Steve Bannon coming down to support Moore the pedophile. Nearly half the state willing to vote for a pedophile rather than a Dem. That’s news and tragic, that’s y Moore will lose. Even a state like Alabama is not dumb enough to vote for an obvious pedophile.

    1. U don’t know George Soros, do u? Just what Fox news and other Right Wing blogs have feedd u. U most likely didn’t even know is first name “George”.
      Here’s a quick summery u will never see on the Right —

      George Soros is one of the world’s foremost philanthropists. He has given away more than $32 billion of his personal fortune to fund the Open Society Foundations’ work around the world. He is also the founder and primary funder of the Central European University in Budapest, a leading regional center for the study of the social sciences.

      Under his leadership, the Open Society Foundations have supported individuals and organizations across the globe fighting for freedom of expression, accountable government, and societies that promote justice and equality. The foundations have also provided school and university fees for thousands of promising students who would otherwise have been excluded from opportunities because of their identity or where they live.

      This giving has often focused on those who face discrimination.

      Now there is he still so bad÷

  3. Soros is getting his money from his foundation that he does not pay taxes on. When is the IRS going to wake up and do something about it. This is how the rich gets away from paying taxes.

  4. seems like to me that Soro’s and these women accusers and Democrats are outsmarting Trump and the Republicans ..because look how long this has been going on and still nothing has been done about them guess their smarts aren’t as smart as the fifth grader if they would get rid of Sessions the no account DOJ and put someone else that would do the job that they are suppose to do and that is to clean the house of any Obama’s leftovers which hasn’t been done nor Hillary arrested along with DNC and letting Mueller continue his witch hunt and let these no good account women ruin lives and families this needs to stop and stop now …what is wrong with our Justice System?

    1. Clowekey He is in his 80s, so he want be around too much longer, but he has two sons who would step right into their Dad’s shoes & carry own the same under-handed , behind the scenes, efforts to sabotage our government & our country. He hates our country. He is an idiot, who wants to have a one-world government, with him calling the shots. When I found out who he really is & the ppl. who support him, I no longer support them, & I voted for both Bushes. I no longer care about them. The Clintons are for OWO also. I do not comprehend how well educated, supposedly intelligent ppl. can support such UN-American B/S. YES, I agree, the sorros boys needs to drop off the face of the earth. They ARE NOT friends of the USA. They have their own agenda, Look them up, see where they are coming from. We ought to turn them over to the Russians.

      1. I agree, Scot in Atlanta. I hope you will call the Moore campaign, & make them aware of this. It needs to be made known so good decent ppl. of Alabama, won’t support anyone who has to get campaign money from these sources. We need to show these dumass democrats that we don’t care who they have connections with, we will not support any candidate who takes money from the devil himself. Mr. Moore may or may not be guilty of these allegations, same w/Mr. T, but I am more interested in the conservative repub. agenda than I am the marxist/liberal/socialist OWO/globalist/Sorro’s agenda. I will vote in NC for whomever I think will come nearest to following our constitution. This republic is depending on us to save this republic!!!!!!!!!

  5. We need a true Conservative Party and that may mean kicking RINOs to the curb. We need to create a party that will cater to the needs of all Americans and this includes most of the things that Trump wants to do. Presently we have gravitate to a two party system that does not represent the feelings of the American People. Way to many politicians have parlayed their positions of power into into an ATM that only has them and their relatives as the ones designated to using it. When you read about how many politicians became rich because of their Washington Power it is enough to disgust the most Milquetoast of American Citizens. One of the first things that they need to do is lop off the 3 highest levels on the FBI so that we can actually get to the level that is probably the most honest. Then get out there and find out who has used their power as an elected official to unlawfully improve their lives. Then investigate and hopefully convict them of their crimes and put them out of office.

  6. Alone, the timing of the “sexual allegations” against judge Moore reveals their invalidity.
    The recent info that comrade Soros is funding the Doug Jones campaign suggests that the attack on judge Moore is also funded by comrade Soros via “Democrat stooges” in Alabama. One wonders if the voting machines in Alabama are also tampered by Soros´s stooges?

  7. George Soros is again trying to pervert the American political system.If you can’t win an election the old fashion way buy it.These rhino republicans don’t care that a bought and paid for ultra liberal democrat is going to win because they did nothing. The only way evil can win is when Good Men do Nothing??? Pro abortion,pro illegal alien,anti God and Anti Gun.This is why the democrats want our Fire Arms.It will be easier to take over America??Just my opinion.

  8. Roy Moore saw the light in 1992 and became a Republican when the Democrat party left him! And, despite all the hoop lah, there are only 2 allegations that would be considered a crime, the two under age girls. The rest, I do not see what all the fuss is about! IT IS NOT ILLEGAL FOR A 30 YEAR OLD GUY TO DATE A 17 OR 18 OR 19 YEAR OLD GIRL!! I KNOW PLENTY OF GUYS THAT DID IT! AND NOTHING HAS BEEN PROVEN TO MY SATISFACTION THAT HE DID ANYTHING IMPROPER. I just wish that some in the press would give Roy Moore the same benefit of the doubt that they are giving this Nelson women, she was just adding notes????? what BS!! AND WHO IS STILL HAVING PEOPLE SIGN THEIR YEAR BOOK IN DECEMBER???? MOST PEOPLE PUT IT AWAY SO WELL THAT THEY CAN’T EVEN FIND IT BY THEN!!!

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