Donald Trump Was Unopposed In Texas’ Primary And Still Got Over 1.8 Million Votes

There were no serious challengers in Texas’ Republican primary on Super Tuesday, but that didn’t stop nearly two million people in the Lone Star state from voting for Donald Trump’s re-election.

Almost Two Million Votes for Trump in an UNOPPOSED PRIMARY!

With 99.5 percent of voting reported, Trump received 1,871,515 total votes in the Texas Republican primary.

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This number is more than the top four remaining Democrats combined! Current frontrunner Joe Biden, combined with Bernie Sanders, Michael Bloomberg, and Elizabeth Warren all earned a total of 1.7 million votes in Texas. This was the total with 91.3 percent reporting so obviously some Democrat votes aren’t tallied yet.

President Trump Breaking Texas Records

The President broke a record by receiving the most votes ever in Texas history for an incumbent president running for re-election.

Compared to Trump, only 635,948 Republican voted 15 years ago for then-President George W. Bush in the 2004 Republican primary–and Bush was a former governor of the state. In 2012, 520,410 Democrats voted for then-President Barack Obama in the Texas primary.

Also noteworthy, while some candidates who have ran before are doing more poorly than their last performances, President Trump is blowing some of his 2016 numbers out of the water.

Bernie Sanders Doing Worse Than 2016 – Trump Doing WAY Better Than 2016

Bernie Sanders is actually doing worse in 2020 than he did in 2016.

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Democrats banking on defeating President Trump with Joe Biden or even Sanders need to take a hard look at the enthusiasm that is rampant on the Republican side as shown by these colossal primary vote numbers.

President Trump and his popularity don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, he seems to be getting even more popular the further his time in office passes.

Maybe voters are simply happy and excited about the job he is doing. Maybe they really do believe that Trump is holding up his promise to make America great again?

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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