On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki finally called communism a “failed ideology” after originally sidestepping the issue when questioned more than once earlier in the week.
Psaki even originally tried to say that the Cuban protests were due to a rise in coronavirus cases and an “authoritarian regime.”
Psaki made her comments during the White House press briefing on Thursday.
After spending all week refusing to condemn communism and the fact that the Cuban people have had enough of this far-left regime, Jen Psaki FINALLY admits to Fox's Peter Doocy that "communism is a failed ideology" and the Cuban people "deserve freedom." pic.twitter.com/6nQlocBEbX
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 15, 2021
Psaki, Finally: ‘I Would Say Communism Is A Failed Ideology’
“I would say communism is a failed ideology and we certainly believe that,” Psaki said.
“It has failed the people of Cuba,” she continued. “They deserve freedom. They deserve a government that supports them, whether that is making sure they have health and medical supplies, access to vaccines, or whether they have economic opportunity and prosperity.”
“And instead, this has been a government and authoritarian communist regime that has repressed its people and has failed the people of Cuba,” she added. “Hence, we’re seeing them in the streets.”
Saying communism is bad should be a layup. But the White House spent almost a whole week defending it.
Great job, everyone.
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 15, 2021
Psaki Says President Biden Stands With The ‘Cuban People’
“But I would note that the ideology of the government, which has failed, has led to, a failure or a lack of access to economic opportunity to medical supplies to COVID vaccines,” she added. “So all of those pieces are true.”
When Psaki was asked by a reporter about President Joe Biden’s intentions regarding the current turmoil in Cuba, she said he “stands with the Cuban people.”
“Well, first, he is certainly advocating for and speaking out, as we put out a statement, multiple statements, maybe one of you will ask him a question about Cuba today,” Psaki insisted.
She continued, “I will leave it to all of you to determine that. But one, he has made clear that he stands with the Cuban people and their call for freedom from both the pandemic and from decades of repression and economic suffering to which they’ve been subjected by Cuba’s authoritarian regime.”
PSAKI: “Communism is a failed ideology.”
ALSO PSAKI: pic.twitter.com/TIVhGxWkED
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 15, 2021
RELATED: Report: Liz Cheney Slapped Jim Jordan’s Hand During January 6th Protest – ‘You F****** Did This’
As for actual U.S. policy, Psaki said, “There’s an ongoing review of our own policies. And as we look at those policies, one of the big factors is ensuring we are not doing anything to pad the pockets of a corrupt authoritarian regime.”
“And that is certainly a factor as he’s considering, but we’re looking closely at how we can help in a humanitarian way, how we can help support the voices of the Cuban people,” Psaki finished.
The Cuban government has reportedly been suppressing and arresting dissidents and journalists and also shut down internet access for the country.
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