Crying During Movies is a Good Thing – It Proves You’re Human

crying in movies

I don’t really cry during movies, but I’ve also rarely seen a movie so deep and moving to me that I felt like I was part of the story. Now don’t get me wrong, I give kudos to the actors and movie directors who are so talented they allow me to embarrass myself in front of my kids with a few tears.

But for those out there who cry 90% of the time, don’t think of yourself as a “weak” individual. There’s good news!

Empathy is a strength, even if many people don’t recognize or accept it as one. To think of someone else’s pain and transfer that to yourself, to experience someone else’s feelings and understand, isn’t something everyone can do.

This article from Elite Daily says you should never try to hide your tears. Crying make us human.

From Elite Daily:

For as long as I can remember, I’ve cried like I just got done chopping onions during certain movies. Whether at home or in a theater, I just can’t seem to hold back the waterworks when watching more powerful, poignant or emotive films. But I feel no shame about this whatsoever. I’m perfectly content admitting I’ve cried in front of family, friends, significant others and even complete strangers during countless movies. After all, who could blame anyone for shedding tears when Mufasa dies in “The Lion King”? It’s devastating!

Research suggests around 92 percent of people have been reduced to tears during at least one movie. So apparently I’m not alone when it comes to heading to the local theater and having a good cry.

Even still, the fact remains many people have been conditioned to believe crying is a sign of weakness. This is particularly true for men, who grow up hearing things like “boys don’t cry,” which leads them to think anything other than stoicism is completely unacceptable.

But, regardless of the context, none of us should ever hide our tears. There is nothing shameful or embarrassing about crying, it’s part of what makes us human. Take pride in your tears, as there’s evidence crying during movies has a number of hidden benefits and can make us more empathetic, sociable and generous.

I do remember watching “The Lion King,” and I remember how I felt when King Mufasa was killed. I couldn’t believe it, and I didn’t even want to continue watching the movie. Take a look for yourself. How does this make you feel?

Honestly, I sort of tear up watching that sequence like some of you just did. But it turns out, that’s a GOOD thing!

Did you tear up watching the video above? Do you shed tears a lot more than normal watching movies? Share your experiences with me!

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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