Congressman Calls For Increased Surveillance of Mosques – Says Those Opposed Can Cry All They Want


Congressman Peter King (R-NY) has some seriously strong words for anybody who opposes increased scrutiny of mosques or Muslim gatherings in general – ‘You can cry all you want.’

King said that more surveillance of Muslims is necessary because “that’s where the threat is coming from.”


Via Mediaite:

Congressman Peter King today defended surveillance of mosques in the name of monitoring for potential terrorist threats. On Fox News Sunday, he dismissed the concerns of civil libertarians and said, “They can cry all they want.”

King insisted he understands most Muslims are good and he’s friends with a fellow Muslim congressman, saying, “This is nothing against Muslims, but the fact is, that is where the threat is coming from.”

He railed against “blind political correctness” and said there are plenty of cases where people in mosques openly share radical jihadist intentions but none of it is ever reported to the police out of concern.

Watch the interview segment below …

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has also said he would increase surveillance and consider shutting down mosques if they are tied to extremist actions.

A couple of months ago, King said he disagreed with Trump’s plan to shut down mosques, but the surveillance plan seems to be in sync.

Comment: Do you agree that mosques need increased scrutiny? Do our civil libertarian readers agree with King’s comments?

FB – Cry all you want.

8 thoughts on “Congressman Calls For Increased Surveillance of Mosques – Says Those Opposed Can Cry All They Want”

  1. Wow. A GOP leader with balls. Mr King, get your fellow Capital dwellers to mount up and ride to the sound of the fight, not away from it. Retreat equals cowardice. The constituents in you districts and states did not think they were electing patsies for Obama to slap around. The GOP Senators and Reps were elected to crush the strangle hold on legislative advancement that Obama has deflected with the over-ride number of Senators. Ryan, encourage Mcconnell to use the nuclear option to pass legislation without the necessary 60 votes to squash a presidential veto. Then pass all the legislation the country needs to eliminate Obama’s damage to the Constitution.

  2. How much you want to bet if we raided those places we would find suicide vests, pressure cookers and black powder, AK47 with 30 shot magazines and curved swords for beheading infidels like you and me.

    Google “Two Minute Conservative” for sharp thinking.

  3. Considering the threats to our soldiers and their families by the Westboro Baptist Church, perhaps all Baptist churches should receive the same degree of oversight.

  4. . . . Mohamad Obammah fights to remove guns from American citizens
    while he invites Hundreds & Thousands of his nearest and dearest ISIS / ISL
    relatives into our neighborhoods! Mosloms cannot be subservient to mans law
    thus American Ciizens and US Constitution and Bill of Rights are under threat from these latent terrorists . . . witness the demands for establishment of Shara Courts.
    What Western society considers criminal is all in a days play for our new guests.

  5. All mosque’s need to be checked. A worshiper reads the same hate book that the Jihadist read and they have been reading this book since they were old enough to read. With that said do you really believe there is a difference between a killer Muslim and a Muslim? “AGAIN” they all read the same hate book and go to the same mosque. These people are all anti-Christ and if they were good Muslims they would get out of the hate book and into the good book the bible, many have and hey are called Christian Muslims. Any questions?
    Courtesy; / Who Watches us from the Moon?

  6. Yes Yes Congressman King. You are absolutely right in this. It’s about time is all I have to say. Islam is a threat to our way of life and must be controlled before it is too late. Anyone who thinks otherwise should read the Koran or a book by a former muslim. If they don’t want to assimilate and live free they should not come here. If they don’t like it here, then go home. They have no business here.

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