CNN: Conservatives Leaving Facebook And Twitter For Parler Is A ‘Threat To Democracy’

cnn threat to democracy

In CNN’s analysis of how conservative voters are handling the presidential election results, reporter Pamela Brown said that conservatives leaving social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook over speech suppression was a “threat to democracy.” 

CNN’s Brian Stelter complained about smaller right-leaning news channels, like Newsmax, getting more viewers recently as conservatives hammer Fox News over its election coverage and what they view as anti-Trump bias.

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Stelter: Conservatives Leaving Facebook And Twitter For ‘Safer Space’

Stelter said to Brown, “I think, big picture, Pamela, here is the concerning trend line here. People are going more and more into their own echo chambers, more into their own bubbles, especially Trump voters.”

“There’s this new social media app, called Parler, getting a lot of attention,” Stelter continued. 

He added, “Because conservatives are leaving, saying they’re leaving Twitter and Facebook, going off to Parler because they believe Parler is a safer space for them.”

“What we’re seeing is even more of a bunker mentality in right-wing media,” Stelter said.“Ultimately, that’s not good for the country.”

That’s when Brown associated freedom of speech and choice with undermining democratic values.

“No, it is not good,” Brown responded (emphasis added). “It is a threat to democracy that these people are in echo chambers and they’re getting fed a diet of lies essentially.”

CNN Is An Echo Chamber

That’s rich.

The freedoms enshrined in our Bill of Rights are not threats to democracy.

The freedom of speech. Freedom of the press. Freedom of association. None of these are threats to democracy. 

It’s the exact opposite. Suppression of these freedoms is a threat to democracy. 

And really, is there a bigger echo chamber than CNN?

For years, Americans were constantly bombarded with “new” or “breaking” “information” that all supposedly pointed to Donald Trump allegedly colluding with Russia to throw the 2016 presidential election his way.

Then the Mueller report ended up as a huge nothingburger. Did the media ever apologize for it?

Impeachment was not an issue in this election. If Joe Biden even said it once, most missed it.

RELATED: What The Media’s Not Talking About: Republican Election Victory That Will Affect The Next 10 Years

Fake News Is A Threat To Democracy

But fake claims about collusion is what animated the Democratic Party for most of Trump’s presidency.

When an entire major political party defines itself by a fantasy of their own making, that’s a bubble.

And save for (sometimes) Fox News and alternative news outlets, the mainstream media protected that bubble.

We all live in our own bubbles to some extent. CNN tries to present its bubble as truth.

Some might call that a threat to democracy.

22 thoughts on “CNN: Conservatives Leaving Facebook And Twitter For Parler Is A ‘Threat To Democracy’”

  1. I think that because we don't agree with what you tell us to do, you resort to name calling. You outright bully us with your left-sided media control. Dictatorship, Hitler agenda will never win

  2. I couldn’t agree more Obama, Biden and the corrupted ABC agencies should all be dismantled and put in prison for the constant unwarranted attacks and lies about his actions. they actually tried to accuse him of the crimes they did. can you believe it? I swear the left just projects constantly you think that one day they wake up and want to be a man and take responsibility for themselves but now that’s never the case. Kind of a sad state of affairs for the Democrat party

  3. Very likely PurpleChefHat150. They know we aren't buying their crap anymore. Talk about 'buying' CNN is likely going up for sale. ATT needs money and seriously thinking about dumping CNN. Trump could get it cheap and create TNN!! There is serious talk he's considering creating his own news network to take down Fox.

  4. So much for biden's "unity" right? Unity – another socialist word for doing what we say, do NOT think for yourself. Biden can take his "unity" and stick it. When they actually understand what that means will be a cold day in h*ll. Unity for socialists/communists/demoncrats is get rid of anyone who thinks and does not follow their party lies.

  5. CNN–CERTIFIED NUTS NEWS!!!!! I hope that President Trump buys CNN and makes it a Conservative News Agency and sticks it too FOX News, they got it coming!!! Isn't it funny, they are going out of business because they do not have President Trump to attack anymore???? Save yourself, "attack CHEATER Joe Biden, maybe it will help?????

  6. I procured $18540 a month ago by working on the web only for 2 to 3 hours on my PC and this was anything but difficult to the point that I myself couldn't accept prior to dealing with this website. In the event that You also need to bring in such a major cash, at that point come….. 

  7. Forget Parlor, Soros own Progressive Insurance!!! All that money going into his pockets. Think of all the good humor that is in their commercials and realize it is coming from the mind of a monster that steals from his own in WWII and destroyed all of those nations.

  8. Did the left really believe that the right wouldn't create their own source of free speech. Come on over liberals, plenty of free speech for all. Parler isn't an echo chamber like Twitter and FB who magnifies the lefts echo by censoring out opposing views.

  9. PurpleChefHat150

    Dan Bongino has ownership ties with Parler and I seriously doubt he'd have anything to do with Soros. I strongly suspect that was put out to keep Conservatives from switching.

  10. PurpleChefHat150

    From the mouth of one of the sycophants who has thwarted democracy for the past 4.5 years by trying to destroy a Presidential Candidate and his win in 2016 with over 90% negative coverage, while calling President Trump's supporters vile names the entire time. Maybe he can explain why Facebook changed Donald J. Trump from "President" to "Candidate" last week. Per the Constitution, Donald J. Trump is PRESIDENT of the USA until 12 noon EST, January 20, 2021.

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