College Kids Sign Petition to Ban Song ‘White Christmas’ – You’ll Never Guess Why


In our holiday version of ‘Political Correctness on College Campuses,’ we present to you video of college students readily and happily signing a petition to ban the holiday song ‘White Christmas.’


Because it’s racist of course!

Via The College Fix:

MRCTV’s Dan Joseph recently presented college students with a “petition” calling on radio stations to ban the song “White Christmas” because, according to the petition, it’s “insulting to people of color and perpetuates the idea that being white is automatically a positive attribute in our society.”

Here’s some of the comments Joseph made to students as he talked to them about the song.

“It perpetuates the idea that white is naturally good, and that other colors are bad, and we feel that that’s a micro-aggression,” he told one student.

“And we think that the song ‘White Christmas’ is insulting to people of color because it says snow is white and therefore it is good – but we know there are other kinds of snow,” Joseph told another student. “It’s dirty on the ground, sometimes it turns brown, sometimes it turns black.”

Our readers of course, would immediately know that Joseph is joking around. Not these college students however, as 18 of them – that’s 18 kids whose parents are funding their education so they’ll be slightly smarter about the world around them – signed the petition in about one hour.

Wait, if a White Christmas is racist, then snow itself is racist, right?

Quite possibly Joseph’s best line is when he explains the definition of micro-aggression.

“You know what a micro-aggression is right?” he asks. “It’s like an aggression, only smaller.”

In case you thought that White Christmas being deemed racist was just over the top, remember liberals have also found racism in other mundane phrases such as “black hole,” “black sheep,” or “devil’s food cake.”

We’re honestly unsure how the following product has managed to escape liberal scrutiny over the years:

After all, why does everything have to be easy for … you know what, nevermind. Time to check our privilege.

Comment: Honestly, are you even surprised that some college kids would see fit to ban the song White Christmas because it’s racist? Tell us what you think of the PC college atmosphere these days.

FB – Micro-aggression – An aggression, only smaller.

10 thoughts on “College Kids Sign Petition to Ban Song ‘White Christmas’ – You’ll Never Guess Why”

  1. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of! Are they really that stupid that they don’t know that the white is the snow? Someone needs to be teaching these kids something besides HATE.

  2. As I was reading this out loud to a group today, they began laughing at the absurdity….my 10 year old Grandson said “Grandma…that’s so stupid”
    A TEN year old!…no further comment required……….

  3. What is hilarious is that parents are paying thousands for their children to become indoctrinated into the racist culture promoted by Obama and the left! hahahahahahah Serves them right!

    And to the most stupid, idiotic, unintelligent, uneducated, egregiously foolish college kids – the white refers to snow – have you ever seen black snow? Oh wait…..when dirt/grease/etc gets on white snow then its no longer white ………then its black and nasty! YEP snow and this song definitely refers to the situation in the world today! But what about Black entertainment TV – isn’t that racist? And the Black Congressional Congress – isn’t that racist? Hmmmm?

  4. What is hilarious is that parents are paying thousands for their children to become indoctrinated into the racist culture promoted by Obama and the left! hahahahahahah Serves them right!

    And to the most stupid, idiotic, unintelligent, uneducated egregiously foolish college kids – the white refers to snow – have you ever seen black snow? Oh wait…..when dirt gets on white snow then its no longer white ………then its black and nasty! YEP snow and this song definitely refers to the situation in the world today!

  5. Then I guess if White Christmas is racist then what is “black friday”. These kids are idiots and wasting their parents money going to c9llege. But then the parents raised them this way.

  6. Just proves that colleges are not educating people. They push information at them, check to see if it stuck for three weeks, then push more facts, salted with opinions, and liberal mindset thinking, and they check that they remember that 3 weeks later. They teach more and more about less and less, until the students know everything there is to know about hardly anything at all. We need schools that teach logical thinking, along with creative thinking, and that require each student to master at least TWO diverse fields before getting a degree. Will it cost more, no, because at the same time, we eliminate things like advanced basketweaving, and creative girl watching, and how to drink more than anyone at the party.

  7. Typing a rebuttal to my own post, since there’s no way to edit. I just watched the video, the college kids aren’t saying anything about White Christmas, this interviewing puke is leading them and asking if they agree. HE’S the one that NEEDS shootin’, NOT the college kids!!!

  8. Just how did these mental midgets get into college to begin with? The song is about the COLOUR OF THE SNOW!!!
    Do their parents (who are footing the bill for this crap) know their children don’t know jack squat about anything?

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