Carly Fiorina Just Got Hit With Some News That Could Derail Her Campaign

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Senior Associate Dean at Yale, whose name Donald Trump dropped at the CNN debate is very adamant about why he thinks Carly “shouldn’t be President & why she was a disaster.”

jeffrey sonnenfeld

I am not creating this story to be a hit piece on Fiorina but the news is the news, and if it’s out there and backed up, then it must be reported. She needs to answer this and do so as best she can. Right now as she rises, the trail of business skeletons drags along with her success.

Here are some basic facts. Under Carly’s leadership thousands of American workers lost their jobs and HP jobs were shipped overseas, while she enriched herself beyond what any of us could imagine [Omaha-World Herald, 9/29/03]. The stock price took a huge hit compared to the rest of the market. When she was fired she still received severance pay of about $100 million, when the average American loses his/her job all that worker gets is unemployment insurance for six months and maybe two weeks of severance pay [Business Insider 9/13/15].

She did run for the U.S. Senate on her record as a business person and lost to Barbara Boxer in a landslide. It was one of Boxer’s easiest elections.

According to Sonnenfeld’s column:

“At a time that devices had become a low margin commodity business, Fiorina bought for $25 billion the dying Compaq computer company, which was composed of other failed businesses,” despite resistance from “most industry analysts, HP shareholders, HP employees, and even some HP board members.”

After she was fired, the company “shuttered or sold virtually all Fiorina had bought.” Now, she says she doubled revenues, which Sonnenfeld waves off as an “empty measurement” seeing as how profit fell.

She says she doubled employment, without mentioning that all she did was combine HP and Compaq then lay off 30,000 people. None of this means she shouldn’t be given a second chance, Sonnenfeld writes, but in order to deserve one, she must first admit to and learn from her mistakes—but he believes all she’s done so far is manipulate the facts and go on the defensive.

This video report was just recorded a couple of days ago on CNBC where Sonnenfeld said everybody deserves a second chance when they err but then he made this compelling statement:

“I don’t know why in 10 years no board of directors anywhere in the world has given her that chance,” he said. “Trump, he’s come back from his setbacks.”

Check out the video report for yourself:

What do you think of this? A very opinionated law professor who is called upon by CNBC for his analysis who knows Fiorina’s history or Carly who sticks by her success story and calls out Sonnenfeld for being a Clinton supporter?

The decision is yours. Leave your thoughts below in our comment section and add this to your Twitter/Facebook timeline to see what your friends say about it.

H/T: CNBC, Politico

35 thoughts on “Carly Fiorina Just Got Hit With Some News That Could Derail Her Campaign”


  2. Ever wonder why Fiorina doesn’t want to discuss the details of her tenure at HP and her only reasoning for firing 33,000 Americans was a CEO has to make hard choices, but at the expense of 33,000 American lives! I’ll bet those foreigners who got these American jobs thinks she’s really special! Trump has said from the very beginning Fiorina wasn’t the business person she was making herself out to be. While 33,000 Americans lost their jobs, she walked away with a cool 100 million dollars-really! Is this the kind of person we want running our country? Unfortunately she looks far to similar to the wicked witch of the Left-Hilliary, and is apparently willing to speak in half truths and lies, just like Clinton for political gain. Let both of these two retire on some island far from the US so they can pat each other’s backs while plotting their next scam!!

  3. I totally agree with all the above and more… addition to her horrible track record at HP she has a horrible record with Lucent as well. And she is a liar…..we have had one of those in the White House for over 7 years, do your really want another? I for one do not!

  4. Stay tuned folks! There’s a whole lot more coming on this and Carly is embarrassing herself more with each day that passes. There is no way the lid will not blow off of this thing soon because the people who had to retire or were laid off are gathering. They know she is the wrong choice.

  5. Let’s see what to think? Sonnenfeld is a prof/administrator at a liberal Ivy League university which is Hillbilly’s law school alma mater, he is Jewish, the Donald just “happened” to mention him in a recent speech and he is doing an interview crusade against Carly Fiorina.

    What to think is that he is a caricature of a liberal Democrat mouthpiece using his academic position to influence an election in a particular way to further the leftist cause. The HP stuff is controversial, not settled.

    His mission is to provide fodder for hit pieces by Trumpadopes and to keep Carly Fiorina away from Hillbilly Clinton. Democrat Taqiyya.

  6. Holy cannoli! Ms. Fiorina is still trying to define herself, but doesn’t seem to recognize how unbelievable and unbelievably damaging her assertions and recommendations are – and not only to women! Is she for anything that benefits anyone other than herself and other very rich narcissists?

  7. She dumps on Mr. Trump for taking bankruptcy four times, with all the thousands of businesses he’s had that’s a great record, But Carly Fiorina was fired from Lucent and Hewlett Packard as C.E.O.
    for losing billions of dollars and in the last ten years has never been asked to be C.E.O. of another company, we know why, Now she’s running for President on lies, She really just needs a job.

  8. “Fifi” will never get my vote – -she supports open borders amnesty (cheap labor) AND she loves muslims! Add to that, she is an out and out socialist; her kind, we do NOT need anywhere near the oval office!

  9. I’m afraid Sonnenfeld has it just about right. but you just watch – next thing to come out of the gate will be a horse named ‘vilified woman’. But seeing it is a republican woman, perhaps it won’t be so bloody nasty as it would be for Killary or, perhaps, Lizzy (Pocahantis) Warning!

  10. Many people from Hewlett Packard in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico lost their jobs during her tenure and rumor was that she made a lot of wrong moves and was going to get fired, which later she was. Since then HP has become one of the companies with the biggest turnover
    of employees in the island.

  11. I have a friend who was at HP when she was CEO. She made sure that unqualified women were promoted over qualified men in many positions. My friend retired a year early, forgoing a significant amount of money, just to get out of there, as did many others. The general consensus is that she is a horrible manager and screwed up HP royally. I guess her best qualification for President is that she appears to be a really good liar.

  12. If you disagree with his thoughts on the business side, look no further than the lies she spoke of her personal life. Carley broke up the marriage of her second husband that had two young daughters. The one daughter she said was ” her daughter ” that she lost to a drug over dose lived with her real mother and sister. Liar liar…on many levels.

  13. The great Lucent IPO!! Fabricated with fraud and false numbers. A lot of people should have went to jail when the ponzi scheme was exposed. “Selling” equipment to firms by offering interest free loans with no money down. Everyone bought, nobody paid when the market had a shake-out.

    Additionally, Lucent counted as sales, product pushed down the channel of distribution to its VARs and other sales entities. The equipment was never sold, but sitting in the warehouse, and the revenues were claimed by Lucent. Great sales strategy. Worked for a couple of years.

    Thank you Carly.

  14. Well, I know for fact he is accurate. I was there. She was totally incompetent in every position she ever held. She couldn’t even make it through the first year of law school which is when they weed out the weak students with no promise.

    At Lucent and AT&T, she destroyed a whole business unit, selling off the parts to Phillips for peanuts. Yet, companies like Apple are making a fortune selling to the same telecom market that Fiorina said was not a viable market. All the technology was there, in Bell Labs, 15 years ahead of Apple and competitors. The great Western Electric quality was there for producing products in the USA which lasted and never broke. Yet she first outsourced to cheap Asian manufacturers, destroying the AT&T brand, and when the business fell apart instead of relying on the brilliant engineers from Bell Labs, she bailed and claims it was a success. At HP she was a disaster, outsourcing everything and destroying, once again, the great engineering R&D capability that made HP products the envy of everyone. The HP skunkworks that were taught in every business school which generated a who new business line in Printers, was disbanded by Fiorina and the company still has not recovered. Sonnenfeld is 100% correct!

  15. Much of what Fiorina says is either untrue or incoherent, which her polished style of rapid-fire answers containing long lists of memorized specifics obscures. Fiorina is worth over $50 million and didn’t bother to pay the debts from her losing 2010 Senate campaign until she decided to run for president. (One of her former aides said “I’d rather go to Iraq than work for Carly Fiorina again.”) So considering her very loose relationship with the truth, her failed record as a businesswoman which left thousands of people’s lives in ruins and her cavalier attitude about paying her debts, it’s awfully ironic that the lines she delivers with the most righteous passion are harsh criticisms of Hillary Clinton’s honesty and trustworthiness. HAH! And we all know Fiorina thinks very highly of Clinton when she worked on McCain’s campaign in 2008…who by the way, is also a Rhino. Those who think she did such a wonderful job at Lucent and HP…I feel sorry you believe that BS. So many people lost money at Lucent alone when stocks were $87/share and dropped, while under her tutelage, to 25 cents a share. That’s what you would say was a savvy businesswoman? She didn’t help HP either, I know of people who worked at HP that lost their jobs but saw that she received a hefty bonus, so much that she bought herself a million dollar yacht…just google it. There’s no better person for this country than Trump, who has put his stand on issues right in front of Americans, on PAPER. Has she or any other candidate? Nope! He’s the ONLY candidate, with no prior political career, who had a bill Donald Trump Bill, pass the house of representatives forcing agencies to abide by our immigration laws. What other candidate cares so much about this country?

    1. Trump has not even graduated to RINO. He is shilling for Dems by rendering the Repub primary, which has some pretty good candidates, a clown show. He is no conservative.

      Trumpadopes are the new Obamadupes and use the same Obama-style smear tactics. The drivel in this comment is an example.

  16. I know for a FACT he is misrepresenting. While it was a scandal at the time in retrospect almost EVERYONE agrees it was a brilliant move that made HP what it is today. And what is HP today? They are the industry leader in technology solutions. You can argue that she had nothing to do with it but a lot of people think her forethought was what made it all possible. I don’t want to see her win as president because I think she is too inexperienced in the political arena but I think she is a very sound and thoughtful investor with a good head for business. It’s funny how all of the sudden now that she is nipping at Trumps heels all of the attack pieces start. Makes you wonder what the real agenda of ALL media is. Why are they running so much interference for Trump how has a LONG record of bankruptcies, questionable business dealings, and liberal politics?

  17. Fiorina certainly has the “gift of gab.” She is saying all the right things…now.

    But apart from her questionable record as CEO of Hewlett Packard, the 60-year-old seems to believe the Islamic Ottoman Empire civilization was the greatest in the world.

  18. Sonnenfield is a total political hack from a Liberal University. Her severance was in her contract and in line with what other CEOs that are forced out get. She is a brilliant, articulate candidate with guts and backbone…that’s why Trump fears her. As for Boxer, I was in California when Carly ran and she impressed me then and now!!! Californian’s elected Moonbeam again and again, despite what a disaster he is….of course they re-elected Boxer. They are stupid!!!!

    1. Unfortunately you are right . Californians are monumentally stupid. And California politicians are monumentally corrupt and anti-American. Most take kickbacks from foreign governments and businesses to vote the way they are told to vote.

  19. Carly has been hit with derision from those who refuse to understand that, although HP didn’t make money in those hideous financial years, the company survived, which many other technology businesses didn’t do. Anyone who has lived a real, authentic life knows that, sometimes, your best result possible is simply surviving to rise again later. Without Carly in those years, HP would not be in business today. And yet, here they are, and thriving. A truthful person would admit that.

    1. Where in h*ll do you get the idea that they are thriving? My computer company won’t touch anything they make, and they just laid off an additional 27,000 employees, meanwhile they still have the $35 Million Dollar jet that Carly insisted on having, plus 6 more Gulfstream V corporate jets for executive travel – incidentally they spend about $30 millions dollars a year on those jets while laying off those 27,000 average joe employees.

  20. From what I have found, Jeffery has taught a lot os students, written a lot of books and ran a non-profit. Has he had actual business experience? Maybe the old adage is right: Those that can’t…….. teach.

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