BOOM: This Might Be The Best Reason Yet to Vote For Donald Trump!

Donald Trump

Need some motivation to get out and vote for Donald Trump?

This just might do it.

Race baiter Al Sharpton said he would leave the country if Trump is elected President, because he would “fear deportation.”

Via the Washington Examiner:

Rev. Al Sharpton told attendees at a Center for American Progress Action Fund event Thursday he would flee the country if Donald Trump won the election, in order to avoid being deported by Trump.

Sharpton, a Democrat, had positive feedback for many of the Republican presidential candidates until he got to Trump.

“If Donald Trump is the nominee, I’m open to support anyone [else], while I’m also reserving my ticket to get out of here if he wins, only because he’d probably have me deported anyway,” Sharpton told attendees, who responded in laughter.

Let’s review:

  1. Only illegal immigrants are deported.
  2. You would self-deport because you fear deportation?
  3. Wherever you go, they might actually force you to pay taxes.
  4. You’re actually helping Trump with this argument.
  5. Shut up.
  6. Just shut up.

Here is a video of report of Sharpton calling Trump the “white Don King.”

Comment: How do you feel about Al Sharpton? Would you be happy if he left the country? Share your thoughts below.

2 thoughts on “BOOM: This Might Be The Best Reason Yet to Vote For Donald Trump!”

  1. Real Reagan Republican

    If you want to see the real reason there is no longer a military draft in this country–all you have to do is look in the mirror. There would be an epidemic of draft deferrments for a myriad of reasons. There would be protests in the street both peaceful and confrontational. You talk tough as long as its someone elses blood and guts on the line and in harm’s way. What would you do if by the trillion in one chance you were placed in harms way in defense of your country, your buddies, your way of life and lastly yourself. Someone who was the recipient of 5 draft deferments during the Vietnam War era should only be commander-in-chief of a fools idiocracy. Many of the men who received deferments enlisted in the armed forces despite a deferment, however trump was never one of them for obvious reasons. Trump is no Ronald Reagan and never will be a Ronald Reagan in this or any other alternate reality circus his cult of personality lives in. He is nothing but a con artist trolling for schills and marks.

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