BLM Vandals Destroy Statue Of Anti-Slavery Activist And Immigrant

BLM Vandals Destroy Statue Of Anti-Slavery Activist And Immigrant

A group of non-peaceful protesters in Madison, Wisconsin Tuesday night, tore down a statue of Hans Christian Heg, a Norwegian-American immigrant who died fighting to end slavery during the Civil War.

A report by Seehafer News indicates rioters filled the streets following the arrest of 28-year-old Devonere Johnson, a “black activist” who “has been present at several Black Lives Matter protests.”

“Fury exploded outside the Wisconsin State Capitol on Tuesday night as protesters smashed windows at the statehouse, attacked a state senator, and tore down two iconic statues — including one of an abolitionist who died trying to end slavery during the Civil War,” the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported.

According to WKOW, the violent group decapitated the Heg statue and disposed of the body in Lake Monona.

They add, “Heg fought for the Union during the Civil War and was a stark opponent of slavery during that time.”

RELATED: Trump Authorizes Law Enforcement To Arrest And Prosecute Anyone Attempting To Destroy Statues On Federal Property

Pure Ignorance

Welcome to mob rule led by people ignorant of the facts and history they are trying to destroy.

Heg is the very embodiment of what makes America the greatest nation on Earth – an immigrant who gave his life trying to create a more perfect union.

Heg, in joining the Union cause in the Civil War declared: “The government of our adopted country is in danger. It is our duty as brave and intelligent citizens to extend our hands in defense of the cause of our Country and of our homes.”

He later died after being shot on the field at Chickamauga.

Is there any more solid evidence that vandals, spurred on by Black Lives Matter activists, are simply destroying property because they feel they can get away with it at this point?

Nothing quite sets back the message of your cause than action that would likely be cheered by the pro-slavery Confederacy.

RELATED: BLM Leader And Bernie Supporter Calls For Destruction Of Churches, Statues Of Jesus

Arrest These Thugs

People who destroy other people’s property are thugs – whether white, black, regardless of gender or religious cause, they are thugs. They are also criminals and need to be dealt with accordingly.

Vandalism, looting, and general anarchy are gateway crimes to larger problems, such as arson, or in the case of Seattle, shootings.

This was on full display in Madison last night, where crowds tearing down statues then pivoted to assaulting lawmakers.

Via the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:

During the melee late Tuesday, Democratic state Sen. Tim Carpenter was assaulted after taking a photo of protesters.

“I don’t know what happened … all I did was stop and take a picture … and the next thing I’m getting five-six punches, getting kicked in the head,” Carpenter told a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter following the assault.


President Trump on Tuesday announced that he has “authorized” law enforcement officials to arrest anyone attempting to destroy historic statues on federal property, a crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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