After Socialists Win Key Leadership Positions, Entire Staff Quits Nevada Democrat Party

socialists take over nevada democrat

The entire staff of the Nevada Democrat Party has apparently turned in their resignations after Democratic Socialists took over the party’s leadership positions.

The staff members claimed that newly-elected State Party Chair, Judith Whitmer, was going to fire them if elected, though Whitmer denies the allegations.

After Whitmer won the election, the party executive director Alana Mounce announced in an email that all staff members, including herself, were quitting. 

In a statement, Whitmer said, “I’ve been putting in the work. What they just didn’t expect is that we got better and better at organizing and out-organizing them at every turn.”

All five candidates that won leadership positions within the state party were backed by the local chapter of the Democrat Socialists of America. 

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Splits In Major Parties Becoming Common

What appears to be happening in the Nevada Democrat Party can be seen in many other places in different forms across the country.

The Daily Caller goes on to report that former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid runs what could be called the “establishment” operation. Their even further-left competitors were borne out of the ashes of Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign in 2016.

A report from The Intercept describes the Democratic Socialists growing rapidly after Bernie Sanders’ campaign focused on young Latino voters. Because of this strategy, Sanders won a decisive victory in the Nevada caucuses in 2016.

That baseline grew into taking over the state party.

While splits among the establishment and “Trump” wings of the GOP have been highlighted, splits in the more moderate and progressive wings of the Democrat Party have not been focused on as much.

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The Democrat Party Lurches Further Left

The Democrat Party of today is a far different animal than when a young governor from Arkansas named Bill Clinton was the head of the Party.

A report from the Wall Street Journal offers plenty of statistics to explain the shift to the left. It has become less white, more educated, a bit more female, and more suburban. 

The Journal report also describes an interesting shift among labor. While traditional labor unions have dwindled, public employee and service-sector unions gained numbers and influence.

Five Thirty-Eight illustrates a variety of different issues where Americans have increasingly leaned further left. The number of Americans who think it should be the responsibility of government to help pay for health care has risen 12 points between 1986 and 2018.

The number of Americans who think the government has an obligation to improve the living standards of African-Americans because of past discrimination rose 23 points between 1986 and 2018.

The number of Americans who think that immigration should be increased rose 25 points between 2004 and 2018. 

But for all that, a Quinnipiac poll from 2019 showed that 47% of Americans believe the Democrats have moved too far left.

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Will The Democrat Party Continue To Move To The Left?

Increasingly it seems, far-left Democrats like “The Squad” have all the momentum in the party. 

The case of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), for as much as Republicans love to hate her, is actually a lesson in what they should be doing. Ocasio-Cortez unseated 10-term Congressman Joe Crowley in 2018. It was seen as a shocking upset. 

This also true in the case of freshman Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO), who also unseated a 10-term Congressman, William Lacy Clay, who was also a legacy member of Congress. Clay’s father Bill held the seat for over 30 years.

As more candidates like them are supported by Democratic Socialists, “The Squad” will continue to gain members.

While Five Thirty-Eight goes on to say that 53% still identify as moderate or conservative, prominent Democrats like former President Barack Obama has warned against progressives moving too far left too fast.   

“Even as we push the envelope and we are bold in our vision we also have to be rooted in reality. The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it,” Obama said while campaigning in 2019.

It may have been some sage advice to the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be a bit more subtle.

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So far, the farthest-left Democrats are relegated to the deepest-blue Congressional Districts, in places like New York, Detroit, Boston, and Minneapolis. 

Yet, Nevada is not deep-blue. The performance of the new Democratic Socialist leaders could be a good bellwether for just how far purple states are willing to go.


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