County Sheriff and GOP Elector Burns Letters Asking to Vote Against Trump

trump sheriff

It’s official: Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States of America.

Despite media screaming about Russian conspiracy theories and whispers that there was an underground movement to get Electoral College electors to vote against Trump, he won.

But that doesn’t mean the fight against the political establishment is over. One sheriff from Ohio, who is also a Republican elector, decided to show the conspirators how he felt about people telling him to vote against Trump. Check this out!

LOL! Here’s what Fox News reports about Sheriff Jones:

Richard Jones is the sheriff of Butler County, Ohio, and a Republican elector in The Buckeye State.

After casting his vote for President-elect Donald Trump on Monday, Jones posted several tweets that show just what he thought of requests to ditch Trump and vote for another candidate.

Photos and videos show Jones first lighting a cigar and then burning the thousands of anti-Trump letters he received in a fire pit.

“Got a lot of letters to burn,” Jones said in one video. “We’ve got our electoral votes and we got a new president.”

But he wasn’t done with that one picture. He posted videos showing him lighting the anti-Trump letters on fire!

Getting everything prepared:

Adding a little flair for good measure!

Here we go!

And he finishes with a strong message to the anti-Trump forces: IT’S OVER!

That’s incredible. Sheriff Jones isn’t messing around. America could use a lot more sheriffs like him!

And one final parting shot:

Hot dogs and s’mores, anyone?

Share this hilarious story with your Trump-hating friends and family to get a good laugh!

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