Trump Just Slammed Obama With The Perfect Truth – About Justice Scalia!

Justice Scalia

Liberals, never really a group of people willing to accept a joke when they hear one, have expressed outrage at a recent tweet sent out by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Trump joked that, on the heels of Obama’s recent decision not to attend Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s funeral, perhaps he would have been more inclined to go had it been held at a mosque.

Here is the tweet in question:

Obama supporters were, of course, outraged. This despite the fact that the President was recently more than willing to visit a Baltimore mosque with ties to radical extremists, and has made a career of consistently defending Muslims against perceived ‘bigotry’ in the face of actual terrorist attacks.

Attending the funeral of a conservative Supreme Court icon is just too much effort.

Via CNN:

Trump has long been one of the most vocal skeptics about Obama’s birthplace and Christian faith. When Obama visited a Baltimore mosque earlier this month, Trump suggested he did so because “maybe he feels comfortable there.”

The Republican front-runner also accused Obama of apologizing to Muslims — without offering any proof — during the mosque visit after listing off terrorist attacks carried out by radical Islamists.

Trump wasn’t questioning Obama’s faith, but he was clearly saying that the President has a propensity to rush to the aid and defense of radical Muslims while attacking those of other faiths.

Comment: Would Obama have attended Scalia’s funeral if it were held in a mosque? Is the President far more concerned with radical Islamists that great Americans like Scalia? Share your thoughts below.

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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