FBI Now Investigating Joy Reid ‘Hacking’ Claims – And It’s Bad News for Her

Joy Reid Roseanne

Over the past week, MSNBC host Joy Reid has come under fire, first for a number of homophobic blog posts she made over a decade ago, but mostly for her mounting lies to pretend that the posts weren’t actually written by her.

She first claimed that her blog was hacked, and then after Wayback Machine, a non-profit company that provides an archive of the internet, released an analysis showing that Reid’s posts were never altered, she continued to double down.

After initially claiming that it was existing posts that were hacked, Reid replaced that with the impossible claim that her blog was continuously hacked over the years, and she just didn’t happen to ever notice.

Then, according to her theory, those hackers apparently waited over a decade to then “expose” Reid. Bear in mind, Reid was an absolute nobody back in 2007, the time of her blog posts in question. Nobody would ever expect that she’d be rewarded one day with an MSNBC show (and I still can’t believe she has one!)


It’s obvious to everyone that Reid is lying about being hacked, including The Daily Beast, an employer of hers that’s since suspended her, and published a number of stories debunking her “hacking” defense.

Ironically, had Reid just owned up to the prior posts and simply apologized for views she no longer holds, everyone probably would’ve forgotten about this “controversy” already. Back in December 2017, Reid had apologized for other anti-gay blog posts that were discovered on her blog. And the response? There really wasn’t much of one, because everyone quickly forgot about.

It’s only when Reid recent deleted that old blog entirely that internet sleuths saw red flags, and went through archives of her blog to unearth other posts. It was then that Reid decided to change her tune, and claim her blog was hacked.

And she’s still holding strong to that claim, with Reid’s attorney saying that they’ve gotten the FBI involved. I suppose Reid thinks that FBI involvement will validate the seriousness of her convictions, but when the FBI finds that Reid knowingly had them investigate a false claim, that could prove even more consequential than losing a job over this controversy.

According to Fox News:

Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said the MSNBC host “could be in very serious trouble” if she made up the story about hackers planting the anti-gay blog posts. Reid could even be charged with obstruction of justice for “diverting the FBI’s attention from real crimefighting to fighting a phantom crime,” Napolitano said.

Judge Napolitano explained that a key element of the situation – if Reid is proven to have fabricated the hacker story — is “who sent the FBI on a wild goose chase,” as it would take a formal complaint filed by Reid or a lawyer on behalf of the liberal pundit to be held accountable. He said that if Reid’s legal team filed a formal complaint “knowing that the events about which she complained were caused by herself, that’s a felony.”

If charged and convicted, Reid would be facing about five years in jail, according to Napolitano.

Napolitano did caution that this is only if the FBI wanted to charge her, and they simply could decide that it’s not worth the effort.

Do you think that the FBI will charge Reid? Will MSNBC fire her? Let us know in the comments section below!

By Matt

Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published... More about Matt

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