Gun-Grabber Shannon Watts Posts Vile Message to Gun Owners

shannon watts mandel

“Everytown for Gun Safety” leader Shannon Watts managed to send out the worst tweet I’ve ever seen last night – and I’m not even exaggerating.

The spark that ignited her furious fire was an article published in the New York Times by Bethany Mandel, who wrote about when she bought a gun to protect her family after years of receiving death threats. Her home address was published on the neo-Nazi website “Daily Stormer,” which led her to finally purchase a gun to protect herself.

The photo header in Mandel’s article was of a black woman and child looking at a gun at a gun show, which Watts thought was racist for some reason. It should be pointed out that the editors at the Times pick which photos accompany the paper’s articles, and Mandel is not an editor, so she had nothing to do with it.

I guess the half-dozen or so white people in the background don’t exist?

Anyway, Mandel replied, and was promptly “informed” that she only felt that guns made her safe because of “white privilege.” Watts is protected by armed guards during her speaking engagements, mind you. Do you think they make her feel safer?

And then, in reiterating her point, Watts makes the most vile comment I’ve seen out of a gun-grabber:

She ended up deleting the tweet after getting roasted for it, and rightfully so. How can she believe that racism is the cause of gun deaths in the black community, when most blacks are killed by other blacks? And given that blacks have lower firearm ownership rates than whites, but higher rates of gun deaths in their communities, doesn’t that disprove her “less guns, less gun violence” thesis?

Like her comment to Mrs. Mandel, I doubt she’s thought that out either.

Mandel at least got a new addition to her bio out of this:

Isn’t it great that this vile woman is the one in charge of Michael Bloomberg’s gun confiscation initiative?

Are you sick of liberals exploiting human tragedy to promote their anti-gun agenda? Sound off in the comment section below!

By Matt

Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published... More about Matt

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