Former FBi Director James Comey Admits That He Was The Leaker

James Comey leaker

Liberals have been frothing at the mouth, waiting for former FBI Director James Comey to expose President Donald Trump.

But instead he let the world know exactly who the leaker was: It was himself!

This is outrageous:

Shortly after his dismissal as head of the FBI, James Comey authorized “a close friend” to leak the contents of his memos to the press in order to prompt a special counsel investigation.

The memo, written contemporaneously, documented Comey’s Oval Office meeting with President Trump during which the president allegedly asked him to drop the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter,” Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday. “I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.”

He passed the information onto a close friend from law school:

Shortly after his dismissal as head of the FBI, James Comey authorized “a close friend” to leak the contents of his memos to the press in order to prompt a special counsel investigation.

This is really a big deal. Comey first admitted that there was no connection between Trump and Russia. Instead, he explained under oath how he purposefully leaked a memo in an attempt to hurt the President of the United States.

That is a hyper-political move and it warrants a serious investigation. Comey has lost all credibility.

What do you think about Comey admitting he leaked sensitive information? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us.

57 thoughts on “Former FBi Director James Comey Admits That He Was The Leaker”

  1. Could be a little worse for Comey; at least he didn’t send a subordinate to the press with the leaks. But his friend did not leak this to anyone other then known partisan media. Is Comey then equally partisan? Too many questions are not being asked. Where is Trey Gowdy?

  2. Now matter how the media plays this cascade of cr@p masquerading as testimony, Comey comes off looking like a lying scoundrel to any decent fair-minded person. He can scrape as much sh!te off himself and fling it at Trump as he likes, he remains covered in it.

  3. America is the most corrupt country in the world, So is Comey going to face charges like Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden for leaking information, NO F_U_C_K_I_N_G CHANCE. He will end up the CEO of one of America’s crooked Banks, Or the Editor of one of America’s propaganda Gutter Press newspapers. Or perhaps the CEO of one of the Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers in America, that contributes millions of dollars to political parties so that they will organise wars, regime change, fund terrorist organisations all over the world, so that they can continue making money out of death, destruction and genocide all over the world. THREE MILLION CIVILIANS MURDERED IN VIETNAM ALL ON AMERICAN LIES, OVER A MILLION CIVILIANS MURDERED IN IRAQ, INCLUDING OVER 200.000 CHILDREN, AGAIN ALL ON LIES. America funding terrorists organisations in Syria to force regime change, Regime change in Libya, Libya was the wealthiest country in Africa, the people of Libya had one of the highest standards of living in the world, now they are back in the stone age, terrorist organisations fighting with each other, and now all these refugees fleeing Libya for a better life. All thanks to the worlds Largest Terrorist Country AMERICA. Comey should now be charged with leaking documents just like Bradley Manning, and get 35 years in jail for that, but no chance, these are Government Crooks, so they get protected. standard.

  4. My take on the situation and my prediction. Trump has a vacuum cleaner sales mentality and lucked out to become president. The Republican Party will soon have enough of the snake oil sales tactics and remove him from office one way or another. I’m wondering when the shoe will drop.

  5. Another case of an individual within a key position-& possibly acting in collusion with others, antagonistic to the POTUS- acting on their own & presuming a desired result; he ‘thought’ ( not his business) that his leak would ‘prompt a special counsel’. So, he acted as a proxy for the POTUS & made a stupid decision. On behalf of the antagonistic left, perhaps? Beyond a ‘leak’, he should be up for insubordination, even treason. Not his job to second guess the POTUS, or anyone, for that matter. He has boundaries within his capacity; that is all. What a pompous ass.

  6. The memos were not classified. The conversation with Trump is not classified. It may determine that Trump obstructed justice which IS illegal, but embarrassing Trump isn’t against the law.

    Trump followers can’t handle the idea that Trump would lie or make mistakes. That is just misplaced hero worship. He is a very fallible human being. SAD

  7. This man just admitted on live television that he leaked classified documents. It is an even bigger deal since he was the leader of the FBI. If these people don’t start going to prison for their obvious crimes then soon it will be time for those of us that DO obey the law to step in and deal with them ourselves.

  8. Comey lied—-he leaked the notes to the news paper the day before he said he did. I hope he is investigated and charged. He also said that the FBI was independent of the DOJ. Let’s have him and Loretta Lynch take a lie detector test.

  9. A contractor at the NSA copied classified info and sent it to the press and she is in jail. But Comey did the same thing and I’ve heard nothing about imprisoning him. He lied either last month or now. He wrongfully released a fake story about there being hundreds of thousands of emails on winers computer, later I hear there were only 7 or 12. He was out to harm the democrat candidate when there were more important things for him to be doing. Trump has repeatedly lied sometimes telling two versions of a story in one sentence. This lying has to stop no mater who it is. It’s time they are held to the same standard as every one else.

    1. Ummm, Don, same standard as “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” and “A you tube video caused Benghazi.” Oh, and the zinger: “I did not have sex with that woman.” Yeah, same standard as everybody else.

  10. Why did’nt Jim Comey release his note’s when The President requested that he give a break to Mike Flynn.Answer he was holding this information to use a black mail to keep his position in the FBI. He then released this information thru a friend after he was discharged from the Agency.The mere fact that he with held this information is indicates that he committed a crime,I suspect lying by omission.Trump was in no way implicated in the alleged Russian hacking of the democratic national commity, and the American electoral process.THAT IS WHAT TRUMP REALLY WANTED TO KNOW…nOW WATCH HOW FAST THE DEMOCRATS TRY TO PIVOT IN MID SENTENCE

    This information must cause great disappointment,to those democrats who are in office and news media people.It also shows that the democrat and the media do not give a damn about the United states of America.Because they are not in power they seek to destroy the REPUBLIC.THEY ARE THE EPIDOMY OF GREED.Do NOT FORGET WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO OUR PRECIOUS REPUBLIC

  11. Comey was slated to be fired when Trump came in, but Trump was probably advised that as long as the Russian investigation was underway, it would look bad if he fired Comey. Therefore, it should have been clear to Trump and everyone else that the Russian investigation was never going to end, because as long as it continued, Comey would be able to insure himself of a job. Comey stated very confidently to that public audience the day before he was fired that he would be FBI Director for another 6 years, I believe, which was the rest of his term. There was no way that Comey believed he would be fired. But Comey did not know Trump well enough. If anyone knows anything about Trump, they should know that no one can intimidate him by threats, extortion, etc, and he fired him anyway.

    J. Edgar Hoover did the same thing that Comey was doing. Hoover kept his job in place by extortionist tactics, telling Senators, Congressmen and any other possible threat to his job, that he knew about so and so, but don’t worry about it. He did it to Kennedy himself. In other words, he let everyone know that he knew where their skeletons were buried, and that he would dig them up if they ever caused him trouble.

    Comey did it with the phony Russian investigation. Comey said during the hearing today, “The attempt by Russia to influence our election in 2016 is a very, very serious matter?” It was serious to no one except to Comey, because that is how Comey keeps his job. There has never been an “investigation” into Russian attempt to interfere with our elections from WWII, through the Cold War, and up to 2016. Are we to believe that Russia never tried to influence an election until 2016? Do people actually believe that. When was there ever an investigation into Russia’s attempt to influence an election from the time of WWII, through the Cold War and up to 2016? J. Edgar Hoover was the biggest anti-communist in this nation, and he never conducted an investigation of Russia’s attempt to influence our elections. So, why is it so serious a matter today? It’s only seirous to Comey. To those who can think outside the parameters set for them by the media, we know it is all hog-wash.
    I think it was very natural of Trump to ask Comey directly when this thing was all going to end and to ask him questions about this phony investigation, and to ask him to disclose that he was not under investigation. . The Russian investigation has been going on for more than one year? Why hasn’t it ended. In the meantime, we are told at open hearings that it is all “classified”, but it’s all being leaked by the people who have marked it “classified.” We are all being led by innuendo and leaks, leaks which we now know came from Comey himself. Comey has outdone Hoover. himself with his extortionist tactics.

    It’s all hog-wash. In the meantime, muslims are cutting our throats, and they are still talking about diversity.

  12. My faith in the government that supposedly leads this country has faded since Bush Jr was elected. To allow these career politicians to control our lives is beyond me. People like Boxer, McCain, et al, appears to be the reason that we can’t get a straight answer to the easiest questions due to their political leanings. And we thought that Nixon was a crook?

  13. I did say some time ago that I had doubts about Comey. The reason I had and still do is that a little research into his past netted a trove of info about his ties to the Clintons.

    25 years State Police

  14. comey says the Trump team were spreading lies. What comey did by “PURPOSELY LEAKING INFORMATION, IS A CRIME” simply lying “IS NOT!” comey must again be called in for the “INVESTIGATIONS ON obama and hillary clinton!” Probably as a “Co conspirator, He could take the 5th!”

  15. Comey Violated Title 18 USC section 4 and Title 28 USC 1361. BOTH of which are federal felonies! If this committee wants to have ANY credibility, they need to instigate federal felony charges against Comey for leaking info and violations of federal laws

  16. The new Julius and Ethel Rosenberg- Comey and his friend (how does Alan D know its a Prof from Columbia?)? Treason is treason – firing squad, add that Reality Winner and save taxpayer funds..

  17. James Comey’s own words convicts him of criminal actions.Leave it to Obama to appoint someone with the world’s worst judgment to head our FBI ! Then he lies under oath. He said that he wanted the memo’s leaked because of a tweet.The tweet he referred to happened a day after the leaks ! He’s a liar !!!

  18. None of the Washington Swamp is ever jailed for committing a crime, George Soros and the Bilderberg group own eveybody in Washington, except maybe Trump and Pence. There will be a lot of smoke and fire from this but nothing will come of it. If anything does, I will be very surprised.

  19. “I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.”

    This is just typical of the Liberal’s ability to project/blame their wrong-doing on another.

    So, will there finally be an investigation of the actual criminal actions of “the witch” and publishing Confidential, and far above, EMails to hackers of the world. And, what about Benghazi, Marc Rich and . . . . . the compendium would go on and on . . .

    1. He will, because Comey LIED under oath, to the House Intelligence Committee that there was NO pressure put on him by the President. So either he lied under oath to the House committee, or he’s lying to the Senate committee, again UNDER OATH! Perjury is a pretty serious crime, but, lying to Congress is a FELONY! Get ’em, Trey!!

  20. Comey has absolutely zero integrity & his actions have proved that time & time again. How can you investigate anyone if you are not impartial & objective?? It was obvious from the get go that his loyalties lie with Obama & Hillary & not the current acting President. I’ve said all along that Trump should have immediately replaced every single cabinet member from the former administration, if he had he might not be dealing with all this ridiculous garbage! What a waste of time & taxpayers money!

  21. This is unbelievable! Comey leaked on President Trump but never Obama. He too allowed orders on Loretta Lynch’s suggestion but wants to hurt Trump! Find out who the Columbia friend is. He is a coward and is afraid to get caught doing the wrong thing stating he is looking out for the Bureau and the American People. Bull! Anyone could see he is looking out for his own neck!

  22. Comey has been in the Clintons pocket for years. Go back and look at his history he has been brought in time and again to get them out of a mess. He made $6,000,000 one year working for Lockheed Martin – he was in between gigs with the Clintons – but the year he made all this money is the same year that Lockheed Martin received several huge government contracts signed off on by the Secretary of Take Hillary Clinton.
    James Comey’s brother Peter Comey works for DLA Piper – the company that performed the so calle “independent audit” on the Clinton Foundation.
    James Comey leaked these memos to get even with the man who fired him.
    James Comey’s testimony puts me in mind of the devil trying to convince everyone he is a choirboy.

  23. What makes a bunch of memos so darned important? The left is acting as if they were written by the hand of God. Anyone can write anything when there are only two people present and it becomes a “he said she said” moment. There is no one to verify either man’s version of the story. Trump was right to fire this man….I never trusted him from the beginning. He seems to always be playing *politics* to the utmost.

    1. They’re only important to the liberals, because it PROVES the President did something illegal. But, they are SOOO wrong! If nobody else was present at the meetings, it becomes a he said, she said fiasco. IF Trump actually DID tape their meetings I hope they get leaked too.

  24. Strange. Comey admits to violating the law (leaking documents) but he is not arrested. If I would have been there, with authority, he would have been arrested immediately.

  25. Since Comey has been acting a bit strange it would not be a stretch that he was the leaker…how about the unmasking??? Is he responsible for that as well??? The investigators need to minimize this characters attempts to deliberately take a fall for someone else. There is still plenty of sleaze to go around that the Dems need to fess up.!!!

  26. such a snug little group…did you know that Comey’s brother is the Clinton’s tax attorney?
    When Obumma gave 500 million for green energy and it busted, who went and confiscated the bankrupt records…Comey…he’s a dirty filthy rat

    1. Yes, I had read about Comey’s brother. That alone was cause to fire the man. With those connections, he would be nothing, but trouble…as we are now seeing. HE CANNOT BE TRUSTED and I think he would just as soon lie under oath as not.

      1. He already did lie under oath. IF he’s telling the truth now, then last month, he lied UNDER OATH, to the House intelligence Committee. IF he was telling the truth then, he’s lying NOW to the Senate intelligence committee, again UNDER OATH. Either way he SHOULD be looking at a perjury charge from one group or the other. My money’s on Trey Gowdy going after him BIG time!

  27. This is a a bunch of political crap…….Everyone is accusing everyone else of lying…..I trust president Trump. I believe him……The democrats of course are all against him because they wanted their chief liar, hillary clinton, to be president, even tho she has no knowledge to be president. She would ruin America….. TOTALLY……. GO MR PRESIDENT, DONALD TRUMP……Go, Go, Go……….

  28. First, I think Comey is a HUGE Liar…He must believe he is above the law, as does his buddy, Hillary believe. I have seen (already, before his testimony) a history of what he has done. He should not escape federal prison. He has been in bed with the Clintons for years. He is a crooked, unbelievable liar, and more. I really hope all the rats come out of the woodwork and expose everything he has done…and I am sure that our President and Attorney General and many Republicans will not give him a pass to get out of jail…He is beyond that…Federal Prison for years is more like it. Also, Hillary is about to get her due…Main one now is to Stop Obama, because he is forming a new group (expects to have 3,000+). Their goal is to take down President Trump…I call that treachery and even worse, traitor…back to Comey who honestly believes the Democrats are going to save him, if he even thinks he has to be saved. He is an arrogant delusional liar….
    Who does he think he is fooling…maybe Maxine Watters or Nancy Peloski…crazy Liberal Democrats, but there are millions of Americans who smell a rat, and he might as well pack his bags, if allowed to..or get a big stock of orange jumpsuits…Hillary also, Eric Holder also, Lorwtta Lynch also, and a really big long legged orange jumpsuit for Obama. He is another who believes he is above the law, still believes he leads the Democrats….

  29. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! Is Mr. Comey nuts, or what? It is interesting to watch the MSM and their take on his confession. I noticed that not one senator even flinched when Comey dropped that bomb shell! So, let me get this straight. A contractor at the NSA copied classified info and sent it to the press and that is treason. But, Comey does the same thing and it’s honorable????

  30. Trump is no fool, He apparently fired Comey with just cause. Someone, probably the guy Comey asked to let the information out, probably ratted-out Comey to President Trump. .Either way, the Democrats are surely behind all of it. They started real early in trying to discredit President Trump.
    What President Trump needs to do is fire anyone who worked for the Obama Administration and really clean house. Then, he should find a way to get rid of Lindsay Graham and John McCain, they are both in cahoots with the prior Administration. Then really check out McConnell in the Senate, I’ll bet he’s in on all of this too.

  31. As I’ve said for a long time, Comey is a freaking nut job, and he’s just admitted to committing a felony. Why should he be allowed to get away with this? I’d go to jail for committing the same crime. Will anyone be surprised when his BFF Robery Mueller looks the other way and shouts, “SQUIRREL!”, when it’s brought up to him?

  32. BlackWolfStanding

    Is Comey heading to jail bow that he leaked classified information even though it was about himself and his actions? It should be a one way ticket to death row for treason.

    1. Me, too. I have not seen one instance of honor with this man…in fact, quite the opposite. The man admits to leaking info…that right there hangs him in my book. What a slime.

      1. To me, Mr. Comey is a typical wimpy bureaucrat trying to cover up his own cowardice. The American people are not that dumb and we see the cover-up for the Clintons and Obama and the help at hurting our wonderful President! May the Lord continue to reveal the truth!

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