Watch Legendary Journalist Bob Woodward SLAM Democrats About THIS


As Bob Woodward believes, it is absolutely FALSE to blame George W. Bush for Iraq War.

Reporter Bob Woodward, of Watergate fame, sets the record straight on former President George W. Bush and Iraq. The left constantly claims George W. Bush “lied us into Iraq.” Woodward flatly says, “There was no lie in this.” He investigated the matter for 18 months and found no evidence to support the “lie” contention. In fact, he found that Bush actually tried to ensure the case for WMD in Iraq was not overstated. In the end, the intelligence turned out to be wrong in great part. But there was no lie involved, no matter how much the Left tries to say there was.

H/T: YouTube 

What do you think? Will Democrats listen to this vetted journalist or discount him to further their false narrative. Share your comments below.

5 thoughts on “Watch Legendary Journalist Bob Woodward SLAM Democrats About THIS”

  1. Texas Governor George W. Bush was talking about invading Iraq in 1999 when interviewed by Micky Herskowitz in preparation of his book for the Presidential campaign.

    Perhaps Bob Woodward should reread his book “Plan of Attack”. I read it. He writes that beginning in November 2001 President Bush ordered General Tommy Franks to plan war with Iraq. He also writes about the meeting where Bush and his war cabinet discussed the possible “reasons” for starting a war in Iraq. They agreed that the American public would not support “regime change” in Iraq based upon anything they could prove. They agreed that a case would need to be made for “Weapons of Mass Destruction”.

    So they manufactured the evidence and went to war. Yes, Bush is responsible for the war in Iraq, and he is responsible for the deaths of thousands of American military.

  2. Democrats only listen with deaf ears. I have never seen a group of people that are so stubborn and unwilling to listen to anything, but their own ideology. Their beliefs that Bush, Republicans or anything that resembles conservatism, or the idea of it, is bad. Talking to them worse than talking to a wall, it will get you nowhere. Good Luck, Mr. Woodward.

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