WATCH: College Bro Gets ‘Deprogrammed’ About White Privilege by Latina Turning Point USA Reporter

college student

Turning Point USA reporter Savanah Hernandez might as well legally change her name to ‘Morpheus’ because a viral video of her pulling a white male college student at the University of Texas out of the progressive Matrix is something you need to see.

During a visit to the Austin campus, Hernandez’s mission was to “deprogram” a student into using logic and common sense by asking them to explain “white privilege.” More specifically, why a white person would have more privileges and opportunities than Hernandez, a Latina.

One White male student Hernandez approached was a perfect candidate for the experiment.

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Red Pill or Blue Pill?

“I grew up as a White man, and yet you’re the exact opposite, you know? And so its’ like my experiences are going to be different from yours,” the young Einstein replied.

“How come?” asked Hernandez. 

“I think, you know, there is a thing of, like, White privilege,” the young scholar asked before Hernandez cut him off to ask specifically what special privileges he, a white man, had that she didn’t.

“Oh, see, that’s the question I keep asking myself, because, like, in this day and age, like all the laws I say, all the laws, you know, it’s hard to speak on something I’m not full knowledgeable of,” he continued. “So, like, I’m sorry if I, like, make a mistake in saying this, but it’s like… ummm…” he stammered as his brain attempted all the mental gymnastics necessary not to offend or upset any ‘woke’ dogma that could end his future potential by an unfortunate societal ‘canceling’.

Hernandez then proceeded to ask if he thought it was strange how White people in society today seem almost programed by our culture to assume they have special privileges over other races.

“Yeah, and I think that’s sort of the agenda that’s pushed off because partially it’s like not that I think I’m more privileged than anyone else because I had to work to get where I was,” he answered

“Well, why do you have that mentality immediately where you, you know, kind of apologize to me?” Asked Hernandez. “Like, let’s talk about privilege. Let’s talk about I’m a White man in America, so we could have grown up differently. Why is that your first initial reaction to me as a Brown woman?”

“Wow, you’re getting me good. See, these are the kind of conversations that I love having, and I think it comes from a. place of like, I wouldn’t say caution, but like in this day and age, people are so quick to judge and react and cancel,” he added. “And so I guess it’s at that like caution to go into an interview like this. I’m like, I don’t know where we’re at, but now I know where we’re at and I can like, go for real.”

That’s right bro, go for real

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Wake Up, Neo

Needless to say, Hernandez’s textbook example of how to deconstruct the White privilege narrative caught the eye of a ton of people in the conservative space.

“This is so sad,” retweeted Canadian psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Jordan Peterson. “I see it all the time. It’s heart-breaking. What we have done to young people in the name of virtue is unforgivable.”

State Freedom Caucus Communications Director Greg Price posted, “Bro needs a red pill in his life.”

It seems like after this interaction, the red pill has been received willingly and with a clear conscious thanks to Hernandez. Whether he chooses to stay free from the left-wing matrix of college life however, is entirely up to him.

What did you think of Hernandez’s ‘deprogramming’? Let us know in the comments below and across social media.

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19 thoughts on “WATCH: College Bro Gets ‘Deprogrammed’ About White Privilege by Latina Turning Point USA Reporter”

  1. Race Politics is originally Democrat and later adopted by the Nazis thanks to President Wilson who aspired to the Marx Model of government in Germany. Decades later, Jihadi Obama adopted the Nazi Economics model for 1/6th of our economy known as Obamacare – 100% gov control over 100% privately owned businesses. Wilsons’ administration was incredibly racist and adopted communist planks 2 and 5 into law as well as crucify states rights (amend 17), replace liberal education with Marxist indoctrination (Plank 10), and set the trend for government as largest employer (plank 8). Dems, Marxists and Nazis are today synonyms for the same group think, united by Race Politics and Big Gov Control. In the crude parlay of our times, When gov is afraid of people, there is freedom.

  2. The problem here is that Ms. Hernandez chose a total schmuck to deprogram. But then again, that’s what college students today are, especially if their minds are as perverted as this one!

  3. I’m a white man. I am a white man who feels no guilt at all for being born white.
    I am a white man who obeys the law & works hard for everything I have in life.
    I am a white man who has never owned nor desired to own a slave. I am constantly reminded that I am somehow responsible for my ancestors who may or may not have participated in the atrocious sin of slavery.

    I pay my taxes. I pay my bills. But I’m constantly reminded every stinking day that I am somehow more privileged than others because of the color of my skin. I am Never mind the fact that I get out of bed every morning at 4 am on the dot. Lifting myself up out of my bed. My knees hurting, my back stiff & aching, Standing up on my 2 aching feet. And yet for all of that I somehow manage to dress myself in the dark so I don’t disturb my beautiful wife’s sleep.

    I step out my front door, lunch in hand & make my way to my car with only my porch light & the street light to guide me & drive 32 miles to work where I spend 12 hours of my day getting my tail kicked by an emotionless & uncaring machine that is 30 years older than me. But somehow I manage to make a good product with it. I then drive my 32 miles back home where I’m greeted by my loving wife who appreciates my efforts & rewards me with a good dinner. I take my shower, spend a little time talking with my wife & browsing the internet before bed, only to wake up the next day & do it all over again.

    So no. My white skin has afforded me no privilege’s. There is no secret club or hand shake. There are no mysterious benefactors providing me with a nice financial cushion. There is no one there to help me when I fall flat on my rear end. There is no one there to help me when I’m struggling to make ends meet & put food on the table. I am solely reliant on GODs blessing & the sweat of my own brow to get me through.

    I have no privileges afforded to me simply because I’m white. I simply obey the law. I do what is expected of me as a man & I live pay check to pay check. If white privilege was real. I wouldn’t be writing this right now. I would be at home on my computer planning a vacation get away to the Bahamas.

    I don’t feel guilty, nor will I ever apologize for being a white, strait, GOD fearing, Christian man.

  4. ConservativeBeaner

    My new term for this is “Sloganized”. All you need to do to trip-up these people is to ask questions like this, because ALL they know is a slogan like ‘White Privilege” or “Systemic Racism” that has been pounded into their heads since they’ve been in school. So what happens, is that they just “Know” that these issues exist, but cannot provide details where/how it is happening: Certainly THEY have never Directly witnessed it themselves.

  5. He hits the nail on the head by stating accurately that he needs to come into conversations like this with caution, because the cancel cops are everywhere. I’m not sure he isn’t already “red pilled”, but is simply in a weakened position and fears the back of the hand…

  6. It is a shame what this great country has become. Young people now have become less intelligent. You have the woke and cancel cultures crammed down your throats. Everyone is offended by everything. What has happened to us?

  7. I dont think he was deprogrammed. Hes in college and outnumbered, so he is cautious. I wish him good luck until he escapes that trap that is college.

  8. The kid is clearly worried about saying the “wrong” thing.

    “A simple way to determine whether the right to dissent in a particular society is being upheld is to apply the town square test: Can a person walk into the middle of the town square and express his or her views without fear of arrest, imprisonment, or physical harm? If he can, then that person is living in a free society. If not, it’s a fear society.” ~ Natan Sharansky

    “We have now educated ourselves into a state of complete imbecility.” ~ Malcolm Muggeridge

  9. Critical Race Theory teaches that if you are born white, then you are born guilty–you are an oppressor. If you are born black or brown, then you are oppressed, and consequently owed something. Teaching this divisive, racist, and provably false narrative to young minds in schools and universities will find fertile ground in those already suffering with liberal guilt.
    This video shows the sad state of false guilt carried by this young man. However, the female demonstrates the best tool to use, simple reasoning. Deprograming these CRT victims is not always so easy, however.

  10. Is he a COLLEGE student? He should, like, go for real, like, and tell his, like, parents to, like, contact the, like college and like, ask for their, like, money back. Like.

  11. …um…I think the dude was using the “white privilege” line to impress the woman… and wanted to bed her. She put him on his heels and had no where to retreat! Ha!

  12. My “privilege” came from working from pre-teen years throughout my whole life. Nothing was given to me but a work ethic, which ironically, didn’t come from only my parents, but from neighbors, friends, and relatives of lower class working stiffs and was reinforced by service in the military.

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