Chinese Communism Survivor Warns Of ‘The Woke Revolution Aiming To Undo America’

Communism survivor Xi Van Fleet challenges Nikole Hannah-Jones of The 1619 Project and New York Times
Communism survivor Xi Van Fleet

Outspoken anti-communism activist Xi Van Fleet gave New York Times racial injustice reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones a lesson on “the current Woke Revolution aiming to undo America” during a recent Twitter exchange.

Van Fleet took exception to a tweet by The 1619 Project founder attacking “American exceptionalism” and a heated debate ensued.

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Nikole Hannah-Jones and The 1619 Project

If you’re not familiar with Nikole Hannah-Jones, she won a Pulitzer for The 1619 Project which “aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of Black Americans at the very center of the United States’ national narrative.”

The New York Times project explores the legacy of Black Americans starting with African slaves who landed in Virigina in 1619. Whether those were America’s first African slaves is disputed but yet was cemented into history by President Barack Obama. Even Smithsonian Magazine penned ‘The Misguided Focus on 1619 as the Beginning of Slavery in the U.S. Damages Our Understanding of American History.’

Notably, Hannah-Jones’ journalism project bears a similar name to a local history effort by Calvin Pearson called Project 1619.

In her tweet that drew Van Fleet’s attention, Hannah-Jones bemoans that Black history is under attack because “our very presence on these lands is the greatest rebuke to the narrative of American exceptionalism.”

“Yourself and I, an immigrant from China with 200 borrowed dollars in my pocket when I arrived more than 30 yrs ago, are the proof of American Exceptionalism,” Van Fleet counters.

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Xi Van Fleet Predicted Rise of the “Social Justice Warrior”

You might remember Van Fleet as the brave mom, a survivor of communist China under Mao Zedong, who warned a Virginia school board of the parallels she noticed between critical race theory and social conditioning within schools during China’s Cultural Revolution from 1966-1976 which left millions dead.

Van Fleet was just 6 when the revolution started pitting citizens against one another, young and old, and where critics were branded “impure” and eventually silenced.

It’s ironic now that Hannah-Jones would be sparring with the Chinese immigrant mother who spotlighted the dangers of turning America’s children into “social justice warriors”.

“You are now teaching, training our children to be social justice warriors and to loathe our country and our history,” said Van Fleet to the Loudoun County school board in 2021.

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Xi Van Fleet Schools Nikole Hannah-Jones on American Exceptionalism

When asked to elaborate on how Hannah-Jones herself and Van Fleet could stand as living examples of American Exceptionalism, that’s where the lesson begins.

First, the Chinese immigrant contrasts the enjoyment of natural rights here in America versus other countries. Pointing to the enjoyment of these rights as being a unique tenet to America while slavery is not.

Hannah Jones challenged Van Fleet on the idea of natural rights.

Ma’am, the idea of natural rights may have been unique, but 1/5th of the population was enslaved at our founding and had no “natural rights.” Further, you do not think protesters in the US face state violence and arrest? You think the US has no political prisoners?”, Hannah Jones rebutted.

At this point, Hannah-Jones cannot see from her social justice pedestal that she is out of her league. So, she condescends to Van Fleet, “I’m afraid your vision of America does not match the reality.”

The Woke Revolution

That’s when Van Fleet drops the crushing blow. 

The communism survivor isn’t an academic who has read about history or the experiences of others in books.

Van Fleet lived through China’s Cultural Revolution. She has LIVED the alternative and came to America for a better life. A way of life which she now holds dear and staunchly defends.

“Mine is not a “vision”. Mine is “lived experience” under the enslavement of Communism, freedom in America, and the current Woke Revolution aiming to undo America,” Van Fleet declares.

Van Fleet then ends on a final pointed note to Hannah-Jones, “Black Americans are enslaved no more thanks to the persevering principles and humanity of this country.”

Mic drop.

Ironically, Hannah-Jones is currently benefiting directly from the “Woke Revolution”.

Streaming service Hulu is turning Hannah-Jones ‘The 1619 Project’ into a six-part docuseries. The Wrap recently wrote the docuseries “couldn’t be timed better” citing Florida governor Ron DeSantis’ rejection of AP African American Studies course.

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Coleman Hughes Spars with Nikole Hannah-Jones

Real-life communism survivor Xi Van Fleet isn’t the only opposing view to recently spar with Nikole Hannah-Jones.

American writer and podcast host Coleman Hughes went a few rounds with Hannah-Jones earlier this month.

Hughes, of African American and Puerto Rican descent, is a prominent commentator on race and class and has even testified before the House against reparations. In 2019, Hughes testified that paying reparations “would only divide the country further.”

The 27-year-old New Jersey native took issue with Hannah-Jones recent criticism of Thomas Sowell.

“Other than being Black, what exactly is Sowell’s expertise in slavery or history?” Hannah-Jones asks. Her question in a response to user’s suggestion that she read Thomas Sowell’s essay “The Real History of Slavery”.  

Hughes’ response credits Sowell with publishing “multiple tomes on the history of race, conquest, and slavery – replete with thousands of citations.”

Hannah-Jones then asks for specific titles before levying a personal insult.

“And do you notice I never tweet about nor mention you. Why do you think that might be?”

The irony here is rich. First, that she felt compelled to respond. Second, that she is attempting to dress down Hughes, a young black man who has made the 2021 Forbes 30-under-30 list has been called “one of the most prolific and insightful commentators on race and class in the United States.”

Hughes was quick to point out that Hannah-Jones’ reaction said more about her than him.

Human rights champion Kofi Annan once said, “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating.”

If Nikole Hannah-Jones can take some knowledge away from these exchanges, we’ll count that as progress.

These simple yet powerful words of Xi Van Fleet from a 2021 call with Fox News seem like a poignant final note. A reminder of the tie that binds yet so many take for granted.

“I just want Americans to know that their privilege is to be here living in America, that is just the biggest privilege,” said Van Fleet.

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