Warren Lost Because She Was Dishonest, Not Because Of Sexism!

The Democrats don’t want a woman as President, especially Elizabeth Warren, who has no background or experience or accomplishments that qualify her to be the President of a 20 trillion dollar economy or international relations. If they did,  they would have made sure she would have been victorious, as they did for Hillary Clinton back on 2016.

The media has tried to cover up the fact that Warren wasn’t fit mentally to lead this country. On the other side, Trump has proven that a successful business person with his experiences and characteristics is the best fit for this country. Look what we got with a community organizer, again, someone who doesn’t have the qualifications to be President, but he looked useful to some. He talked a good story for others, and unbelievably, lots of people voted for him. This came after Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s eight years of economic Mismanagement with Obama stating that the new normal was for a sub-par GDP and losing 400,000 manufacturing jobs to foreign countries.


To many of us that live and breathe politics, Hillary Clinton and Warren seem to have been separated at birth. Neither one takes any responsibility. It is always someone else’s fault. I am eagerly waiting for Warren’s book “What Happened.” What are her accomplishments as a legislator? How has this person distinguished herself from the rest of the candidates?

Warren fell apart not because of her agenda but because her utter dishonesty about her personal life eroded her credibility as a policy wonk. The baggage she brought to her campaign could not be undone. Remember when she lied about her children going to public schools while the truth was they went to private schools?

Claiming she is for free college when she makes $400,000 a year teaching one class at Harvard. That salary is why college tuition is through the roof. It’s also more than double her Senator’s salary. She is as phony as the day is long. Hopefully, her state will vote her out of office.


Warren would have said anything to get elected. Coupled with her “nails on a chalkboard” voice and her constant fabrications, she stood no chance, and Americans were smart enough to see through her.

I don’t like or approve of anyone that pushes an agenda of handing out money to freeloaders and determining that wealth distribution is the tool to do so! Sorry, but I was raised to do for myself and only give charity to those that genuinely need it and deserve it!

I watched her speech to her supporters on Super Tuesday and was amazed at how many words she used to say nothing. NPR and the WSJ were convinced that the 2008 housing crash was due to laws passed by Congress, lending to people who had no assets, no jobs, no credit history, and Warren said it was because of race? sex? etc.  She got it wrong, which was her first offense and the second offense was she did not correct herself.


One more thing: Warren is a socialist who didn’t want to be called a socialist. In essence, she wanted to strip everybody of their wealth and their income in the name of Big Government running every aspect of our lives. She couldn’t/wouldn’t explain how she was going to pay for all of her socialist programs. But others have calculated the drastic, draconian costs, and she was unable to deny the factual figures.

As I stated before, Warren was an overpaid college professor who taught one class and was paid over $400,000. Nice work if you can get it, but it’s the socialist professors who use the capitalist system they loathe to line their pockets with taxpayer money and hike tuition through the roof annually. Maybe she can leave the Senate and go back to the inner safety of her cronies on the campus of illicit gains.

Warren has been nothing but talk with nothing to back it up. I have no interest, whatsoever, in politicians of this ilk. The Democratic Party is in a sad state of affairs, and I see no relief on the horizon.

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Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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