President Trump Reminds Pelosi of Her Lack of Power During Border Wall Meeting

During a contentious meeting in the Oval Office between President Trump and Democrat leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, Trump reminded the latter of her lack of power in the negotiation process.

Pelosi reminded of fleeting relevance

The President and the heads of the Democrat Party were negotiating over whether or not they could reach a deal on border wall funding. Trump is currently asking for at least $5 billion for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Chuck Schumer has agreed to a fraction of that cost. (RELATED: President Trump Warns of Illegal Immigration Dangers Ahead of Pelosi and Schumer Meeting.)

Nancy Pelosi was there because…oh wait…why was Pelosi there?

The government is currently set to run out of funds a few days before Christmas. That means the Republican Congress has to pass a spending bill. Republicans still hold power in the House. To get the border wall funding he desires, Trump needs to turn enough Democrats in the Senate to reach the 60 vote threshold. Currently, there are only 51 Republican senators.

Pelosi has no control over this. She will come the new congressional session. But not yet.

Plus, she’s in the middle of a campaign to be the next Speaker of the house. She has to watch her words, lest she upset the liberal base.

Pelosi humiliated

Trump’s a shameless negotiator, so he was sure to point this out:

Pelosi clearly didn’t like that.

Chuck Schumer’s deceitful grimace

Speaking of revealing reactions, check out how Chuck Schumer reacted when Trump took ownership of any impending government shutdown. (RELATED: Trump Confirms: He’s ‘Proud to Shut Down the Government for Border Security’.) It’s downright diabolical.

Democrats think they have Trump over a barrel on the border wall. They think that if they deny him his wall on this spending go-around, that’ll be it. Once Democrats seize control of the House, there will be no border wall funding.

Of course, Trump has thought of that. It’s why he promised to build the wall with the military if necessary. (RELATED: Trump Confirms the U.S. Military Will Construct the Border Wall if Democrats Refuse Funding.)

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In the end, I suspect Trump will get what he wants. Pelosi and Schumer will suffer the consequences of not defending our country.

Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim... More about Jim E

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