Trump Heckled on SNL: Liberals Have to Pay Up, Right?

Larry David

Whatever you think of Trump, he has put the media in its place. I would like him to get a hold of Rachel Maddow.

Donald Trump hadn’t gotten far into his monologue before trouble occurred. An off-screen heckler interrupted with a cry of “Racist!”

But the heckler was comedian Larry David, who, before Trump arrived on stage had been seen impersonating Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders. There are people who think Larry David’s part wasn’t pre-planned. Boy are they are not of this earth.

“Larry, what are you doing?” Trump asked with a trace of exasperation.

“I heard if I yelled that they’d give me $5,000,” said David with a shrug, echoing an offer reportedly made by pro-Hispanic groups protesting Trump’s appearance.

“As a businessman,” Trump said, “I can fully respect that.”, a Latino rights PAC, says it will shell out $5,000 if someone inside the studio audience of Saturday’s live show yells out “deport racism” or “Trump is a racist.”

“We’re hoping the $5,000 will help people on set or in the studio audience find the bravery to speak out loudly and help focus the national conversation on that we need to deport racism, not people,” Santiago Cejudo, one of the group’s organizers, said in a statement. “It’s 2016, and Trump needs to hear that you can’t win the White House without the brown vote.”

The question is will they pay? Check out this funny skit:

If I were Trump, I would have had the whole audience call me a racist and then handed out the information to claim their $5,000 from the hate group. Should this group have to pay David? Did you see this coming? Share your comments below and add this story to your Twitter and Facebook timeline.



Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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