Trump Fires Off Letter to Chuck Schumer So Brutal The Dem Senator Whined That He Was ‘Appalled’

President Donald Trump, weary of Chuck Schumer’s criticism of his coronavirus response, sent a letter to the Democrat that eviscerates him as a “bad” Senator.

“Thank you for your Democrat public relations letter and incorrect sound bites, which are wrong in every way,” the letter begins.

With such a deeply personal tone, you just knew it was going to get much better. And Trump did not disappoint.

Bad Senator

“I’ve known you for many years but I never knew how bad a Senator you are for the state of New York, until I became President,” Trump writes.

He sets forth laying out a series of bullet points that refute charges by Schumer that the administration has failed to take the proper action in dealing with the coronavirus.

Importantly, he adds that “New York was very late in its fight against the virus” and was “so completely unprepared for the invisible enemy.”

“No wonder AOC and others are thinking about running against you in the primary” the President chided. “If they did, they would likely win.”

RELATED: President Trump Says Chuck Schumer Needs To ‘Stop Complaining’ During Coronavirus Crisis

Trump Even Had Good Words For Cuomo and De Blasio

Demonstrating just how bent he is with Schumer, the President was even willing to send some positive feedback about New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

He notes that he has been working with both men “to get the job done.”

“You have been missing in action,” Trump contrasted. “Except when it comes to the ‘press.'”

RELATED: Schiff Wants 9/11-Style Commission to Investigate Trump Administration’s Response to Coronavirus

When a Tweet Just Isn’t Enough

It is a clear indication of just how fed up President Trump is with Schumer’s games.

He had spent Thursday firing off tweets blasting the New York Democrat but must have decided he needed a more official document to get the point across.

“It wouldn’t matter if you got ten times what was needed, it would never be good enough,” Trump tweeted regarding medical supplies. “Stop complaining and find out where all of these supplies are going.”

Schumer Appalled

It’s easy to tell the letter hit its mark, with Schumer complaining later in the day to left-wing news channels that he was “appalled.”

Not nearly as appalled as the rest of the nation is in watching Democrats politicize the worst crisis in the United States since 9/11, but appalled nonetheless.

“I’m just appalled,” Schumer lamented. “I say to the president, ‘Just stop the pettiness. People are dying. And so, President Trump, we need leadership, we need to get the job done. Stop the pettiness. Let’s get it done. Let’s roll up our sleeves.'”

If only he believed the lies that are coming out of his mouth. The President is desperately working to prevent people from dying while Schumer and his minions are announcing investigations and committees in an attempt to take him down again.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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