Over the past several days, Democrats and the liberal media have been up in arms over President Donald Trump’s Executive Order placing travel restrictions on countries with ties to terrorism.
The left has falsely called the president’s order a “Muslim ban” but The Political Insider has thoroughly debunked this myth. In addition, liberals have repeatedly attacked the list of countries included in President Trump’s Executive Order, failing to admit that 17 terrorists have been captured from these seven countries since 2014 alone.
Well, one young conservative is standing up in support of President Trump and his Executive Order. Tomi Lahren, who hosts a nightly show on TheBlaze TV, completely destroyed the lies being perpetuated by the left during her “Final Thoughts with Tomi” segment.
Lahren blasts the hysteria surrounding Trump’s order and the mainstream media for falsely calling it a “Muslim ban.”
This is amazing! It’s nice to see younger Americans pick up the torch for freedom, and should give us hope for the future:
Tomi is right! The liberal snowflakes will continue to smear President Trump by lying about his Executive Order, but the American people know better! Despite what liberals want you to believe, the “Muslim ban” is a lie and Americans know that President Trump’s Executive Order places America first.
We need more fighters like Tomi in the next generation if we want to protect our freedom and make sure we pass on a better America.
Do you agree with Tomi Lahren that Trump’s Executive Order is much-needed to help protect America? Share your thoughts below!