This Teacher Just Struck a Big Blow to Common Core

Last year, Stacie Starr was named by “Live With Kelly and Michael” as the Top Teacher in the United States. She shocked the northeastern Ohio community where she teaches this week when she announced at a forum to address standardized testing that she is resigning because of Common Core and standardized tests. The nationally recognized teacher hopes to start an after school tutoring and mentoring program to help at risk trends.

“I can’t do it anymore, not in this ‘drill ‘em and kill ‘em’ atmosphere,” she said. “I don’t think anyone understands that in this environment if your child cannot quickly grasp material, study like a robot and pass all of these tests, they will not survive.”

The change in education to adopt common core standards has caused frustration for parents and students. And Starr’s resignation highlights that it is also affecting teachers. A prominent high caliber teacher has left the field of traditional education citing common core and testing as the reason for her departure.

Will politicians notice? Please leave your comment below.

H/T: Third Base Politics

35 thoughts on “This Teacher Just Struck a Big Blow to Common Core”

  1. Way to go Stacie Starr. Common Core is junk, thought up & designed by idiots at the United Nations & their ILK. If I had kids in school today I would be home schooling the probably 4 or 5 years now.
    I have a grandson who has parents who can afford to send him to a private school & I am so glad that the lord has allowed his parents to be employed in position of great responcability & rewarded for that with great pay so they can afford to do this.
    More folks should think about home schooling.

  2. I dedicated my life to educating children. I was amazing with my children year in and year out. I still have relationships with many of them as they are adults with their own children now. They learned no matter their ability, style of learning and pace of learning. I taught the whole child. I loved what I did. I became disabled and can no longer teacher, but the silver lining to leaving teaching is that I will never experience the harm Common Core and constant testing does to children. This is all wrong.

  3. Good for you Stacie Starr!! If all the Teachers took a stand then maybe they could get your States to ban Common Core. It is a sumblinial evil tool the potus put in place to serve his ajenda. It needs to be destroyed before it starts destroying families. Every teacher should just go back to the way they were teaching before Obama passed his evil on our children. And just pile all that material outback and set it on fire! I cant believe how many teachers are supporting and pushing this garbage. They must be muslims. Obama said America will be a muslim Amerikka, did you think he was kidding or that he would take it that far, well beleive it, we’re here now. One parent made the news of being banned from his child’s school when he found out his son had to learn the 5 pillars of prayer, plus he had to make his own prayer rug. This was 8th grade, that teacher had to be muslim. And the parent was not threatening, he just wanted to discuss what they were teaching his son behind his parents back. This is coming down in every State. Its time to push back, bring the American flag back to every classroom, bring back the Pledge of Alligence, even the morning basic prayer. Or bring your kids home, and home school them. Cuz Common Core is damageing to your child and thats just what Obama & his muslim friends want, they want your child indoctrined into Islam before they reach 12th grade. Sickening!! PPl you got to stop CC NOW!!!!!

  4. Common core has been hijacked by the usual suspects, publishers, test makers, unions, ivory tower professors, and some secondary educators to: 1. Make money; 2. Push an agenda.
    The committee which crafted it contained no elementary education people and no special education people. Their concerns were not addressed.

  5. Obama is doing everything to destroy America from not defending our Country to teaching kids how to be 2nd class citizens fro the rest of their lives. The America People have had enough, I am not a bigot but the only reason he is still in the White House is that he is Black and that was the plan of those who are behind what he is doing to this Country. Do not continue to be fools. Demand his Riddance by impeachment or ljust plain old Removal for not living up to the Oath of Office he made!!! Which, actually he lied about because he swore inGod’s name and he has NO belief in God. That means he meant to deceive!

  6. Well good for her—all teachers should go on strike until this terrible ill conceived crap gets out of our schools along with Mooooooch’s lunch program!!! This has been planned long ago to ruin our children—ole Nikita Kru. (sp?) said in about 1960 that they wouldn’t need to go to war eith us–they’d get us thru our children and they have gotten to the under 40 crowd with all of the very liberal college proff that have ruined most of them—like Bill Ayres and his wife TEACHING COLLEGE FOR 20 YEARS–THAT WAS REAL SMART–now we have young people who are so brainwashed they can’t even think straight!!!

  7. Although she is taking a stand against CC and some of her reasons are valid she has not even touched on the truth of this doctrine of devils.its a government take over to control everyone in the world . It’s not an educational program at all..It’s a subliminal evil agenda . JOIN ” I REFUSE TO CHOOSE COMMON CORE” and study up on it. Our children are being taught lies about our origins and roots and are being converted to Islam right under parents noses. Don’t believe it? Then you are ignorant and deceived.our children are being brain washed and dumbed down and CC must be stopped. Many sites have already banned it, all other states must ban it as wellDo you want your kids to worship Allah, to wear the head gear, to,visit mosques, to pray 5 times a day to their god, to have to memorize the 5 pillars of Islam, to be taught that Christianity and Judaism is error, that parents are too stupid to help their children with the new math because they’re not teachers and they must trust only what teachers teach them, that the holocaust was a HOAX, they they can rewrite the constitution by deleting what they disagree with and adding their own philosophy, that Jesus was only a prophet and not the son of God, etc.

  8. No, when they get to college they will just take classes in critical race theory and the “problem” of “whiteness.” That’s the main requirement of the jobs of the future. You don’t need to be competent, just politically correct. Isn’t life just lovely in an anti-white communist tyranny?

  9. So you’re speaking for every teacher who doesn’t agree with it and with parents who are in able to help their children with their homework because they can’t understand it. I’m guessing you know better then everyone else that has used it and doesn’t agree with it! True left wing attitude! Obama uses that also with his defense strategy he thinks he knows better then all his generals the leaders on the ground in different countries! It’s a left wing thing! You guys know better then those neck deep in it!

  10. right on… just ask them to make change from a cash register without a calculator,,,want to really confuse them give them a 20.00 bill and the odd cents for a 12.65 check

  11. I know a lot about Common Core, Palmer. I can assure you that when these Common Core students reach college level they are going to be in remedial classes at college level expense. Common Core will never prepare students for college.

  12. You do not know or understand what Common Core is. I am sure you are talking about the viral examples of crazy ways of doing math. That is a made up meme and has nothing to do with Common Core. Common Core is standards, not a way of teaching.

    Common Core has been politicized in the most stupid of ways. If you are a Republican you are expected to hate it. If you’re a Democrat you are expected to support it. The facts are that probably less than 2% of Americans who have a love it or hate it opinion of Common Core could not give 1 fact about it or explain it even the most simplest of terms. This teacher is a great example of the politicization of it. She is a teacher in Ohio and has not had to comply or teach to Common Core Standards.

  13. Common Core is the most rediculous thing I have ever seen…When I was in school we all learnes arithmetic the old simple way and guess what, It still works and it is a heck of a lot simpler.

  14. The article says Stacie Star struck a blow to Common Core. No she didn’t. Our government does not give a rip that good teachers resign. They will replace her with a compliant teacher in 2 minutes. The article asks if politicians will notice? No they won’t. They don’t care. There is an agenda here and good teachers are not part of it. Politicians praising teachers, teacher awards… It’s all window dressing.

  15. Way to go Stacie Starr. Common Core is junk, thought up & designed by idiots at the United Nations & their ILK. If I had kids in school today I would be home schooling the probably 4 or 5 years now.
    I have a grandson who has parents who can afford to send him to a private school & I am so glad that the lord has allowed his parents to be employed in position of great responcability & rewarded for that with great pay so they can afford to do this.
    More folks should think about home schooling.

  16. I dedicated my life to educating children. I was amazing with my children year in and year out. I still have relationships with many of them as they are adults with their own children now. They learned no matter their ability, style of learning and pace of learning. I taught the whole child. I loved what I did. I became disabled and can no longer teacher, but the silver lining to leaving teaching is that I will never experience the harm Common Core and constant testing does to children. This is all wrong.

  17. Good for you Stacie Starr!! If all the Teachers took a stand then maybe they could get your States to ban Common Core. It is a sumblinial evil tool the potus put in place to serve his ajenda. It needs to be destroyed before it starts destroying families. Every teacher should just go back to the way they were teaching before Obama passed his evil on our children. And just pile all that material outback and set it on fire! I cant believe how many teachers are supporting and pushing this garbage. They must be muslims. Obama said America will be a muslim Amerikka, did you think he was kidding or that he would take it that far, well beleive it, we’re here now. One parent made the news of being banned from his child’s school when he found out his son had to learn the 5 pillars of prayer, plus he had to make his own prayer rug. This was 8th grade, that teacher had to be muslim. And the parent was not threatening, he just wanted to discuss what they were teaching his son behind his parents back. This is coming down in every State. Its time to push back, bring the American flag back to every classroom, bring back the Pledge of Alligence, even the morning basic prayer. Or bring your kids home, and home school them. Cuz Common Core is damageing to your child and thats just what Obama & his muslim friends want, they want your child indoctrined into Islam before they reach 12th grade. Sickening!! PPl you got to stop CC NOW!!!!!

  18. Common core has been hijacked by the usual suspects, publishers, test makers, unions, ivory tower professors, and some secondary educators to: 1. Make money; 2. Push an agenda.
    The committee which crafted it contained no elementary education people and no special education people. Their concerns were not addressed.

  19. Obama is doing everything to destroy America from not defending our Country to teaching kids how to be 2nd class citizens fro the rest of their lives. The America People have had enough, I am not a bigot but the only reason he is still in the White House is that he is Black and that was the plan of those who are behind what he is doing to this Country. Do not continue to be fools. Demand his Riddance by impeachment or ljust plain old Removal for not living up to the Oath of Office he made!!! Which, actually he lied about because he swore inGod’s name and he has NO belief in God. That means he meant to deceive!

  20. Well good for her—all teachers should go on strike until this terrible ill conceived crap gets out of our schools along with Mooooooch’s lunch program!!! This has been planned long ago to ruin our children—ole Nikita Kru. (sp?) said in about 1960 that they wouldn’t need to go to war eith us–they’d get us thru our children and they have gotten to the under 40 crowd with all of the very liberal college proff that have ruined most of them—like Bill Ayres and his wife TEACHING COLLEGE FOR 20 YEARS–THAT WAS REAL SMART–now we have young people who are so brainwashed they can’t even think straight!!!

  21. Although she is taking a stand against CC and some of her reasons are valid she has not even touched on the truth of this doctrine of devils.its a government take over to control everyone in the world . It’s not an educational program at all..It’s a subliminal evil agenda . JOIN ” I REFUSE TO CHOOSE COMMON CORE” and study up on it. Our children are being taught lies about our origins and roots and are being converted to Islam right under parents noses. Don’t believe it? Then you are ignorant and deceived.our children are being brain washed and dumbed down and CC must be stopped. Many sites have already banned it, all other states must ban it as wellDo you want your kids to worship Allah, to wear the head gear, to,visit mosques, to pray 5 times a day to their god, to have to memorize the 5 pillars of Islam, to be taught that Christianity and Judaism is error, that parents are too stupid to help their children with the new math because they’re not teachers and they must trust only what teachers teach them, that the holocaust was a HOAX, they they can rewrite the constitution by deleting what they disagree with and adding their own philosophy, that Jesus was only a prophet and not the son of God, etc.

    1. You do not know or understand what Common Core is. I am sure you are talking about the viral examples of crazy ways of doing math. That is a made up meme and has nothing to do with Common Core. Common Core is standards, not a way of teaching.

      Common Core has been politicized in the most stupid of ways. If you are a Republican you are expected to hate it. If you’re a Democrat you are expected to support it. The facts are that probably less than 2% of Americans who have a love it or hate it opinion of Common Core could not give 1 fact about it or explain it even the most simplest of terms. This teacher is a great example of the politicization of it. She is a teacher in Ohio and has not had to comply or teach to Common Core Standards.

      1. I know a lot about Common Core, Palmer. I can assure you that when these Common Core students reach college level they are going to be in remedial classes at college level expense. Common Core will never prepare students for college.

        1. No, when they get to college they will just take classes in critical race theory and the “problem” of “whiteness.” That’s the main requirement of the jobs of the future. You don’t need to be competent, just politically correct. Isn’t life just lovely in an anti-white communist tyranny?

      2. So you’re speaking for every teacher who doesn’t agree with it and with parents who are in able to help their children with their homework because they can’t understand it. I’m guessing you know better then everyone else that has used it and doesn’t agree with it! True left wing attitude! Obama uses that also with his defense strategy he thinks he knows better then all his generals the leaders on the ground in different countries! It’s a left wing thing! You guys know better then those neck deep in it!

  22. The article says Stacie Star struck a blow to Common Core. No she didn’t. Our government does not give a rip that good teachers resign. They will replace her with a compliant teacher in 2 minutes. The article asks if politicians will notice? No they won’t. They don’t care. There is an agenda here and good teachers are not part of it. Politicians praising teachers, teacher awards… It’s all window dressing.

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