The Media and ‘The Squad’ Continue Push for Lowering Voting Age to 16

Newsweek has published a column voicing support for Squad member Ayanna Pressley’s call for lowering the voting age to 16.

And they’re citing teenage activists such as Greta Thunberg and David Hogg as justification for the move.

Nancy Deutsch, who authored the op-ed, believes it’s difficult to argue against lowering the voting age when people see the convictions and intelligence behind the teenagers’ social activism.

“The skeptical attitude toward the next generation is especially baffling when we see teens like Greta Thunberg, or the students from Parkland, Florida, consistently demonstrate independent thought, deep understanding, clear convictions, and tremendous maturity and poise in the national and international limelight (even amid jarring criticism and judgment from adults),” she claimed.

Hogg and the anti-Constitutional Parkland extremists have all the ‘deep understanding’ of a potato, while Thunberg recently showed an incredible lack of ‘maturity’ when she hyperventilated at a U.N. Climate Summit in New York this past September.

RELATED: Pelosi Indicates Support For Lowering Voting Age to 16

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Squad and Democrats Want This

Pressley (D-MA) introduced an amendment to the ‘For the People Act’ pushing for lowering the voting age to 16 this past March.

“Young people are at the forefront of some of our most existential crises,” Pressley said at the time. “The time has come. Our young people deserve to have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.”

The broad anti-corruption and voting rights bill also saw debate which demonstrated the resistance party would like to open voting up to illegal immigrants.

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The measure was overwhelmingly defeated in the House of Representatives by a vote of 305-126.

Pelosi was asked her thoughts on lowering the voting age to 16. She provided a chilling response which included a call to ‘capture kids’ while they’re young.

“I myself have always been for lowering the voting age to 16,” Pelosi admitted. “I think it’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school when they’re interested in all of this and learning about government to be able to vote.”

RELATED: Trump Hilariously Upstages Climate Activist Greta Thunberg’s Speech

Bad Idea

“The notion that adolescents are incapable of exercising the sober judgment needed to place a vote reflects a broader, misguided prejudice against young people,” Deutsch contends.

Lawmakers have been trying to raise the age and regulate nearly every conceivable thing they can find – drinking, smoking, vaping – all the while citing our young people as having difficulty handling tough decisions.

But the right to vote – something so powerful – should just be offered up to these children? The following video is a substantial argument against …

A poll from 2018 found that 81 percent of Americans were opposed to lowering the voting age to 16, while just 16 percent supported it.

16 thoughts on “The Media and ‘The Squad’ Continue Push for Lowering Voting Age to 16”

  1. I offer the following amendment to the amendment. Every vote of a person below the age of 21 shall automatically be counted as a vote for the Republican/Conservative side of the column. By the way Nancy capturing children is against the law. But it is really nice to know that you consider them to be animals.

  2. Interesting to see so many with the same attitude – Sure. Let them vote. Let them go to war, have sex, sign contracts, drink, smoke, own guns and everything else that comes with being an adult citizen of this nation. The government wants to babysit us except when it comes to keeping them in office.

  3. The 26th Amendment should be repealed when voting age was downgraded to 18 years of age.It has been proven the logic in the human brain does not come of age until 23 to 25 years of age.This has always been a Democrat plan and the Nixon era fell for it.

  4. What Pelosi is stating is the same mantra the pedofiles use in referring to child victims. “Get’em before their eight, or it’s too late. Get’em in school where the brainwashing by the socialists is most current.

  5. Sorry, at sixteen, today’s teenagers can barely tie their own shoes. I don’t think giving them the right to vote is a very good idea, actually, it’s insane. I truly wish that our government would re-instate the mandatory draft so that all teenagers at age 18 must get military training and an assignment thereafter as far from their home as possible. They need to learn discipline, respect, teamwork and a sense of responsibility. The draft does not necessarily mean combat assignments though for some it might. After 2 1/2 years, they would return to civilian life as responsible adults ready for college education/trade school. They would have had a taste of the real world.

  6. Only 4 years ago these kids were 12! Doesn’t that just about say it all. Also have a little respect for the children, do they really need to be saddled with all the other responsibilities of adulthood. From all accounts they’re not coping too well as it is.

  7. Well, if that’s the case, let them buy alcohol at 16, and let’s not forget to let them enlist in the military at 16 also……..however, if 16 is such a mature age, I highly recommend we send the progressive’s/leftists kids to the war zones first.

  8. Under age children can’t drink alcohol, can’t smoke, can’t sign a legal contract, can’t get married without parental consent, but how about letting them vote! What could possibly go wrong?

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