Ted Cruz Just Got Hit With This Bad News; South Carolinians Are Not Happy With His Tactics!

Ted Cruz

Call me crazy or call me nuts, it seems as if the one-two punch of businessman Donald Trump and Senator Marco Rubio added to what happened to Dr. Ben Carson in Iowa, seem to be taking down Senator Ted Cruz in South Carolina.

We all know Cruz is not supported in the Senate by many of his fellow lawmakers and those who are his friends have not publicly come out to endorse him yet, don’t you find that odd?

Cruz is a constitutional conservative and makes no bones about it. He ranks up there with the best, but he rubs people the wrong way with his tactics. He apologized to Carson in Iowa by blaming CNN and not firing the culprit. He panders his Christianity to evangelicals while lying about Trump and Rubio’s positions on the 2nd Amendment and Pro-life issues respectively.

From Public Policy Polling:

One surprising finding from the poll is that Ted Cruz has the worst net favorability rating of the candidates, with 42% of voters seeing him positively to 48% who have a negative opinion of him. He and Jeb Bush (41/43) are the only candidates under water. Showing that popularity isn’t everything Ben Carson is by far the most widely liked hopeful in the state with a 68/23 favorability rating, followed by Rubio at 58/32 and Kasich at 52/29. Trump is only the fourth most well liked at 50/43, but in contrast to the other candidates most of the voters who like him are also planning to vote for him.

Today’s latest numbers from the Public Policy Polling Center shows South Carolinians might be hip to what Cruz is doing. You never want to find yourself on the high end of negative favorability ratings, but that’s where Cruz finds himself.

H/T – Public Policy Polling

Do you think Cruz has enough time to turn this around before Saturday’s primary vote? If Cruz doesn’t win South Carolina, is he done? Tell us your thoughts below in the comment section.

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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