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The media has been jumping on a dubious narrative that President Trump failed to denounce white supremacy at this week's…
MSNBC analyst Jason Johnson said that violent protests in reaction to Breonna Taylor case earlier would be carried out by…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said late Monday that President Trump's rhetoric on immigration was "directly responsible" for the tragedy.
Reza Aslan believes that “all” supporters of President Donald Trump are “white nationalist terror supporters"
Frank Figliuzzi claims that Trump's lowering of flags to half-staff to honor victims of the shootings is a secret shoutout…
CNN invited self-described white nationalist Richard Spencer on his program to discuss the latest controversy involving Trump's tweets.
House Majority Whip James Clyburn appeared on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday where he criticized President Donald Trump for praising a…
Two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton claims that white nationalists view the phrase “Make America Great Again” as a racist slogan.…
Grace Carr on March 27, 2019 James Alex Fields pleaded guilty Wednesday to over two dozen federal hate crimes after he…