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Over 7 million illegal aliens have crossed the border since Biden came into office. That's twice as many people as…

Sen. Josh Hawley introduced a bill that would allow individual states to enforce federal immigration laws, and deport illegal immigrants.

President Joe Biden said it is “probably premature” to end coronavirus mask mandates in blue states run by Democrats.

States would have been required to pick up the tab for half the spending on the Democrats' universal pre-k program.

HBO's Bill Maher slammed ongoing COVID restrictions and declared that the COVID-19 pandemic was "over" on Real Time.

Bloomberg reported in August, the Democratic National Committee raised $9.9 million which put their total at $110 million in 2021…

Alaska and Florida have made it 23 states involved lawsuit against the Biden administration over the cancellation of the Keystone…

Republican Buddy Carter introduced a bill to prevent federal funds from going to states that give state assistance to illegal…

Texas had zero COVID-related deaths for the first time in over a year, after Biden called ending mask mandate 'neanderthal…

Joe Biden coronavirus now that cases are rising again, states and local governments to keep mask mandates or even to…

Texas attorney general Ken Paxton has joined attorneys general to file a lawsuit against Google for monopolistic digital ad practices.