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March 29, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described President Donald Trump’s approach to the coronavirus crisis as fiddling while people died.
March 25, 2020
A new Gallup poll reveals that most Americans approve of President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, showing a favorable rating of 60 percent.
Kirstie Alley Trump
March 24, 2020
Hollywood star Kirstie Alley defied Hollywood to praise Donald Trump for his coronavirus response, much to the dismay of liberals.
March 23, 2020
“Never Trump” fanatic Rick Wilson said that those who believe President Donald Trump about the coronavirus dangers “will be going to a lot of funerals.”
March 18, 2020
MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner claims President Trump may be guilty of some level of negligent homicide for his response to the coronavirus crisis.
March 13, 2020
President Donald Trump will declare a national state of emergency as the US braces for the coronavirus pandemic this afternoon.