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poll political violence
December 14, 2023
At a time when Americans seem to be at each other's throats, a new poll shows that a large majority…
2023 political conflict
January 3, 2023
A new poll reveals stark levels of pessimism amongst the American people, as they are overwhelmingly predicting 2023 to be…
cia agent republican extremists
November 8, 2022
Former CIA agent Marc Polymeropoulos wants the Republican Party treated the same way we treated terrorists the last 20 years.
nancy pelosi assault
October 31, 2022
Ashley Parker, a senior national political correspondent for the Washington Post, linked a 2010 campaign ad critical of Nancy Pelosi…
Trump Posts Mysterious Message On Truth Social About 'Danger From Within,' Is It A Warning?
October 19, 2022
On Tuesday, former President Donald Trump posted a cryptic message about the dangers facing our country from within.
members of congress home security
August 2, 2022
The House Sergeant of Arms announced that Members of Congress would receive up to $10,000 to upgrade their home security.
civil war violence election
October 7, 2020
A number of new polls have shown that Americans are concerned about the possibility of violence and civil war following…
August 21, 2017
A man in Colorado was reportedly stabbed by a violent "anti-fascist" for sporting a haircut that mistakenly identified him as…
June 16, 2017
The liberal response to the attempted murder of Rep. Steve Scalise by Sanders fanatic has been nothing short of disgusting.…