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Shots Fired Trump
August 31, 2020
Gunshots were reportedly fired at a pro-Trump caravan as it made its way through Los Angeles, California on Sunday.
Urlacher LeBron James
August 30, 2020
Ex-Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher just blasted NBA players for their boycott, and he’s since been hit with backlash.
Woods LeBron James
August 29, 2020
James Woods just called out LeBron James for changing his tune on the NBA boycott, saying “his China handlers didn’t like the optics?”
August 1, 2020
A Catholic bishop just shut down AOC after she disrespected a Catholic saint who sacrificed his life to serve people with leprosy.
July 21, 2020
Rep. Maxine Waters happened upon a traffic stop involving a black driver when she decided to pull over and make sure the police officers stayed in line.
July 16, 2020
The Berkeley city council just voted to have unarmed civilian workers perform traffic stops instead of cops in a move that police experts say is dangerous.
July 14, 2020
“Late Night” host Seth Meyers just claimed that Trump voters are “sociopathic” simply because they want to send kids back to school.
July 9, 2020
Employees of the Ford Motor Company are calling for the end of police car production, but now the CEO is firing back at them.
Los Angeles Councilwoman
June 8, 2020
A female police officer of color confronted Los Angeles City Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez to her face over the proposed budget cuts to police.
Mattis Trump
June 5, 2020
Retired Marine Captain John M. Dowd just fired back at former Secretary of Defense James Mattis days after he betrayed President Donald Trump.
May 31, 2020
Violent looting and rioting is continuing all over the nation as mobs use the killing of Michael Floyd as an excuse to rob and torch property.
CBS Liberal Media
May 26, 2020
Van Gordon Sauter, the former president of CBS News, has said that the media is now “decidely liberal” and the voice of “the resistance” against Trump