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Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons
April 3, 2024
Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert hospitalized for blood clot and diagnosed with May-Thurner syndrome. Read more.
The Republican majority in the House passed the Chuck Schumer 'minibus' spending bill - amounting to tens of billions more in spending than when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker.
Gage Skidmore/Flickr/Creative Commons
March 7, 2024
The Republican majority in the House passed the Chuck Schumer ‘minibus’ spending bill – amounting to tens of billions more in spending than when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker.
lauren boebert restraining order
Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons
February 6, 2024
Congresswoman Lauren Boebert and husband Jayson Boebert announced they were getting a divorce in May after 18 years of marriage.
congress nato vote
Gage Skidmore/Flickr/Creative Commons
December 15, 2023
Republicans in Congress spent their time helping Democrats make sure a President Trump couldn’t withdraw from NATO.
Saturday Night Live Trump Jordan
Source: Screenshot YouTube
October 23, 2023
“Saturday Night Live!” (SNL) ruthlessly mocked Jim Jordan, Donald Trump, Lauren Boebert, and others in a sketch that fell flat.
Senator John Fetterman fought through tears while discussing being bullied during a committee hearing Thursday.
Screenshot: @therecount X Video
September 22, 2023
Senator John Fetterman fought through tears while discussing being bullied during a committee hearing Thursday.
The special counsel overseeing the Hunter Biden probe will reportedly seek to indict the President's son by the end of September according to a new court filing.
Screenshot: ABC News YouTube Video
September 7, 2023
The special counsel overseeing the Hunter Biden probe will reportedly seek to indict the President’s son by the end of September.
Donald Trump issued a blistering challenge to Republicans, demanding they finally move to impeach President Biden or watch the party "fade into oblivion."
Custom: Screenshots - 11Alive and Fox News YouTube Videos
August 28, 2023
Donald Trump demanded that Republicans finally move to impeach President Joe Biden or watch the party “fade into oblivion.”
Donald Trump announced a seven-point plan to combat rising crime in America, including a "record" investment in police officers and a return to stop-and-frisk measures.
Screenshot: Donald J Trump Rumble Channel
August 2, 2023
The new indictment of the former President Donald Trump may be backfiring, as it’s drawing a lot of pushback and concern.
The Secret Service investigated who was responsible for the cocaine found last weekend in the White House and to nobody's surprise came up empty-handed.
Screenshot: The Telegraph YouTube Video
July 14, 2023
The Secret Service investigated who was responsible for the cocaine found last weekend in the White House and to nobody’s surprise came up empty-handed.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has aligned herself with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, has reportedly been expelled from the House Freedom Caucus.
Custom: Screenshots - Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and Rep. Lauren Boebert YouTube Videos
July 7, 2023
Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has aligned herself with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, has reportedly been expelled from the House Freedom Caucus.
This may come as a surprise, but it's glaringly apparent that Republican leadership does not have the stomach to pursue impeachment of President Joe Biden.
Source: Screenshot YouTube Source: Screenshot YouTube
June 23, 2023
It’s glaringly apparent that Republican leadership does not have the stomach to pursue the impeachment of President Joe Biden.