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Katie Couric has admitted to editing out comments by Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a 2016 interview in which the late Supreme Court Justice blasted kneeling protests as disrespectful in a nation "that made a decent life possible."
October 14, 2021
Katie Couric admitted editing out comments Ruth Bader Ginsburg 2016 interview which the late Supreme Court Justice blasted kneeling protest
July 31, 2020
Fox News host Tucker Carlson slammed Barack Obama as “one of the sleaziest” and “most dishonest” political figures in the…
July 27, 2020
Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said that athletes who kneel during the national anthem were just like people kneeling during…
Chicago Police Union
June 12, 2020
The president of Chicago's Fraternal Order of Police just said that officers will face consequences that may include being kicked…