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July 2, 2020
Ben Carson offered support for Trump's argument that a Black Lives Matter mural is a symbol of hate.
June 10, 2020
HUD Secretary Ben Carson slammed the “defund the police” movement on Tuesday, saying people will realize how irrational it is.
April 17, 2020
Ben Carson is confident the economy will return to health, and believes that the U.S. shouldn’t wait “until every vestige…
March 17, 2020
Ben Carson appeared on "Hannity" Monday to discuss the response to the coronavirus pandemic and said "creating part of the…
December 23, 2019
Ben Carson hammered Democrats and their quest to impeach and remove President Trump from office as "very immature."
November 25, 2019
Rep. Maxine Waters said former neurosurgeon Ben Carson does not have the “intelligence” to be the Secretary of Housing and…
May 23, 2019
Rep. Ilhan Omar did her best to mock Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Ben Carson after his performance…
March 19, 2019
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development joined the Fox News host for a candid interview on the public sector
san francisco low income
June 27, 2018
California's Bay Area is so over-inflated that earning $117,400 a year now qualifies as "low income," according to a report…
May 3, 2017
Dr. Ben Carson is furious, after learning how pathetic the watchdog is for the Department of Housing and Urban Development…
April 6, 2017
Carson has gone into that agency and just discovered one of the biggest bookkeeping errors probably in American government history...
March 2, 2017
The Ben Carson confirmation for Housing and Urban Development Secretary is finally over, and Trump got his man! The noted…