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A new report demonstrates just how badly rising prices from inflation are outpacing any wage gains experienced by American workers over the past year.
March 23, 2022
A new report demonstrates just how badly rising prices from inflation are outpacing any wage gains experienced by American workers.
Various songs incorporating the 'Let's Go Brandon' theme sweeping the nation are dominating the iTunes charts, featuring four out of the top ten entries for 'top song,' including numbers 1 and 2.
October 28, 2021
Various songs incorporating the 'Let's Go Brandon' theme iTunes charts four out of the top ten entries 'top song,' including…
June 12, 2020
Chris Cuomo attempted to show Trump's culpability in promoting  'systemic racism,' but wound up using statistics and data from before…
Fauci Rand Paul
May 18, 2020
Rand Paul shared a link to a chart showing the coronavirus death rate is similar to the seasonal flu for…