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Megyn Kelly Joy Reid
Source YouTube: Megyn Kelly Show, MSNBC
January 23, 2024
Megyn Kelly called out Joy Reid for an interview she did with a Moms Of Liberty co-founder, referencing her "weird…
Source: Screenshot YouTube
November 14, 2023
The pop star Pink will be handing out 2,000 books that have allegedly been "banned" at Florida schools during her…
July 24, 2023
Here are ten captivating fictional books that embrace conservative themes. If you love to read, this is the list for…
MSNBC’s Joy Reid Claims Republicans Are Using ‘Hitler’ Tactics To Exploit ‘White Grievance and Rage’
February 1, 2022
MSNBC Joy Reid said Republicans attempting to excite white voters with Nazi tactics Adolf Hitler in attempts to ban books…
Terry McAuliffe Says Parents Should Not Pick School Books Because ‘We Have Experts’ Who Do That
November 1, 2021
Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe parents should not be picking school books because “we have experts who actually do that.”
Democratic candidate for Governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe raised eyebrows during a debate Tuesday by suggesting parents shouldn't have a role in telling schools what to teach their kids.
September 29, 2021
Democratic candidate for Governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe parents shouldn't have a role in telling schools what to teach their…
Employees at book publisher Simon & Schuster filed a petition demanding the company cut ties with authors associated with former President Donald Trump.
April 27, 2021
Simon & Schuster filed a petition demanding the company cut ties with authors associated with former President Donald Trump.