SHOCK POLL! 59% of Americans Support Deporting Illegal Immigrants

This SHOCK poll shows one thing — people hate mass violation of the law and resent those who tell them to get over it.

The hard fact is that flouting the law by tolerating mass illegal immigration tells the law-abiding majority that they are fools.  Fools for paying their taxes, fools for obeying regulations, fools for expecting that everyone else will follow the rules as they do.

59% of the overall public support deportation of undocumented migrants.  The Immigration and Customs Enforcement has released more than 30,000 convicted criminal aliens just last year, including 169 with murder convictions.

IBD editorializes:

The latest IBD/TIPP Poll asked 913 adults coast to coast if they “support or oppose mandatory deportation of illegal immigrants in the U.S.” Not surprisingly, 87% of Trump supporters back the proposal.

What’s surprising is that 59% of the overall public does as well. Mandatory deportation gets majority support in all age groups except 18-24, every income group, among both women and men, at every level of educational achievement, and in rural, urban and suburban regions.

More interesting still is the fact that 64% of independents and 55% of moderates support deportation.

Even among Hispanics, the poll found 40% backed mandatory deportation — although the sample size is too small to make much of that number.

Opponents of Trump’s plan don’t want anyone to know just how viable it is. He would first order that all immigration laws be enforced. All illegals with criminal records would be deported. Construction of the wall would begin. Employers of illegals would be forced to absorb the cost for employing them.


At that point, many would see the handwriting on the “wall” and attempt to enter the system legally or voluntarily return to their country of origin.

It is impossible to rationalize rewarding people whose first act in this country is to break the law. Throw them out !

How do you feel about mass deportation of illegal aliens? Do you agree? Can it be done and should it be done? Leave your comments below and add this post to your Facebook/Twitter timeline for discussion.



Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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