Senator Sherrod Brown Faces New Abuse Allegations

The mainstream media is unsurprisingly silent on recent allegations of abuse levied against Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio. Congressional Democrats are going to have to take a break from providing cover only for Keith Ellison to now bury any potential blemish to another of their own after they spent weeks fueling the Kavanaugh circus.

Much like those levied against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Brown is facing allegations from the 1980s.

According to the Washington Times, “Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown is preparing to take legal action against his Republican challenger, Rep. Jim Renacci, after the congressman released a statement Thursday evening accusing him of sexual harassment 30 years ago. Mr. Renacci’s Senate campaign released a lengthy statement by attorney Laura Mills telling the story of a ‘very credible’ and ‘professional’ unnamed woman who has accused Mr. Brown of making ‘an unexpected, uninvited, unwanted, and sudden advance, roughly pushing her up against a wall’ in the late 1980s.”

Prior to these new allegations, opponents pointed towards divorce records alleging verbal and physical abuse on Brown’s part against his ex-wife.

Democrats in Congress are quiet, drawing attention to the hypocrisy of Democrats’ hysteria and moral preening against Kavanaugh in light of their complete disregard for this accusation against Brown. What happened to “believe all women?”

Liberal support for Sherrod Brown remains

In the least surprising turn of events, Brown has still managed to hold the support of his liberal peers. Planned Parenthood’s political arm “Planned Parenthood Action” tweeted out support of Brown, even after allegations of abuse surfaced. Meanwhile, PP Action opposed the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh over unsubstantiated and unverified allegations of sexual misconduct. It’s yet another reminder of what we already knew, that liberals only pretend to care about women when it’s politically convenient to do so.

Kamala Harris, who desperately clamored for media attention during the Kavanaugh hearings, has no trouble campaigning for Brown:

And Brown is denying the allegations entirely:

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Brown is still 16 points ahead of Renacci in the polls. So much for the empty rhetoric of “believe survivors.”

20 thoughts on “Senator Sherrod Brown Faces New Abuse Allegations”

  1. Lets be even more honest, the manner in which Ellison was treated when accused of sexual abuse in the last decade with a much stronger claim and accuser was put in the shadows by the media to pursue democratic opposition to Kavanaugh who was accused by a mentally unstable witness of incidents that took place when Kavanaugh was a near adolescent decades ago based on the worst sort of psychological mumbo jumbo deemed recall therapy.
    Good connection made by Matt.
    I have to wonder if the media will out of hand go looking for people to make claims against a Republican for cover.

  2. This should be sufficient to knock Brown out of the election and put his senate seat in Republican hands. The Republicans have a huge war chest of money to spend to destroy him. I don’t care if it’s true or not. He deserves the same treatment that Judge Kavanaugh received.

  3. Browns ex-wife defends him as the victim of a political attack, however, she does not deny or disprove the accusations she made against him as being a wife-beater. Was she abused or did she simply lie about the abuse to get the upper hand in the divorce case? Truth, Honesty and the American Way seem strangely foreign to Liberal Democrats.

  4. Democrat hypocrisy has NEVER been more transparent – they believe that ALL women should be heard and believed as long as the said women are NOT accusing a democrat. What a bunch of s**t! Just like they claim to represent Blacks – yet they fought and voted against the Civil Rights Act. People need to wake up and smell the coffee – the democrats are full of s**t.

  5. Demon Rats squeeeeelll very loudly when the shoe in on the other foot.
    Sister Kamala…”always believe the woman…”

    “Trust me…I’m a Damn-o-Rat…..”

  6. Lets be even more honest, the manner in which Ellison was treated when accused of sexual abuse in the last decade with a much stronger claim and accuser was put in the shadows by the media to pursue democratic opposition to Kavanaugh who was accused by a mentally unstable witness of incidents that took place when Kavanaugh was a near adolescent decades ago based on the worst sort of psychological mumbo jumbo deemed recall therapy.
    Good connection made by Matt.
    I have to wonder if the media will out of hand go looking for people to make claims against a Republican for cover.

  7. This should be sufficient to knock Brown out of the election and put his senate seat in Republican hands. The Republicans have a huge war chest of money to spend to destroy him. I don’t care if it’s true or not. He deserves the same treatment that Judge Kavanaugh received.

  8. Browns ex-wife defends him as the victim of a political attack, however, she does not deny or disprove the accusations she made against him as being a wife-beater. Was she abused or did she simply lie about the abuse to get the upper hand in the divorce case? Truth, Honesty and the American Way seem strangely foreign to Liberal Democrats.

  9. Democrat hypocrisy has NEVER been more transparent – they believe that ALL women should be heard and believed as long as the said women are NOT accusing a democrat. What a bunch of s**t! Just like they claim to represent Blacks – yet they fought and voted against the Civil Rights Act. People need to wake up and smell the coffee – the democrats are full of s**t.

  10. Demon Rats squeeeeelll very loudly when the shoe in on the other foot.
    Sister Kamala…”always believe the woman…”

    “Trust me…I’m a Damn-o-Rat…..”

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