Shep Smith was known for arguably being the most liberal person at Fox News before he abruptly left the network in October of 2019. In a new interview with CNN on Tuesday, Smith was quick to blast some of his former colleagues at Fox, accusing them of spreading “disinformation.”
Smith Discusses His Role At Fox
When asked about his role as a straight news anchor on Fox, Smith gave himself a big old pat on the back.
“If you feel like the Fox viewers were getting mis- or disinformation, I was there to make sure that they got it straight,” he said. “There were a lot of others in there who I thought were trying to do the same thing.”
“But I thought that to just abandon it, and to deprive those viewers of and it wasn’t just me there was an entire team working to get the news on the air, to deny them that, with the thought that they might replace it with opinion instead, seemed a little selfish. So I stuck with it as long as I could,” Smith added.
Related: Shep Smith’s Social Media Accounts Disappear After Leaving Fox News
“Fox News in the opinion sphere and in other Rupert Murdoch enterprises perpetuated so many of the divisions, the lies, the conspiracies, the support — look at Sean Hannity going up and doing campaign rallies for President Trump, so blurring the line to the point of becoming the propaganda arm of the Republican Party, I just wonder what you think about that now?” asked CNN host Christiane Amanpour.
Smith Doubles Down
“I feel the same way about that now that I did then,” Smith replied. “My goal was to just keep the blinders on and just do my job to the best of my ability. I am always concerned when people — opine all you like, but if you’re going to opine, begin with the truth and opine from there.”
“And it’s that deviation from that that has caused me the greatest concern. I believe that when people begin with a false premise and lead people to astray, that’s injurious to society, and it’s the antithesis of what we should be doing,” he continued.
“I slept very well,” Smith added. “I don’t know how some people sleep at night because I know that there are a lot of people who have propagated the lies and have pushed them forward over and over again who are smart enough and educated enough to know better. I hope that at some point, those who have done us harm as a nation, and I might even add as a world, will look around and realize what they have done, but I’m not holding my breath.”
Read Next: Fox News’ Shep Smith Is More Upset Than Ever with President Donald Trump
This piece was written by James Samson on January 20, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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