Seth Meyers Trolls President Trump With ‘Resign Donald’ Hat – The Entire World Yawns

seth meyers trump hat

Remember John Oliver? The Comedy Central-turned-HBO TV host spent two years railing on Donald Trump, trying to tear down his presidential campaign. The fact that Oliver is British and not an American citizen was of no concern for liberals who otherwise fret about foreign meddling in our elections.

One of Oliver’s more “brilliant” ploys was to redesign the iconic “Make America Great Again” hat so that it mocked the Trump family lineage.

Obviously, that little stunt did nothing to stop Donald Trump from rampaging through the Republican primary contest and, at last, defeating Hillary Clinton on Election Day. Of course, anyone with two cents rattling around in their brain knew the gimmick would go nowhere. That hasn’t stopped copycats, though, like Oliver’s fellow late-night host Seth Meyers.

Now, if you remember, we have Meyers to thank for Trump being president. Seriously, I’m not joking.

Remember this?

Meyers poked the bear, and had to pay the price. Thankfully, we all benefited: We got to elect President Trump!

Not everybody was happy, however, including Mr. Meyers. So now he’s fighting back. He introduced a new hat on his show that will, in his mind, somehow entice Trump to step down. Or something.

Since the Prime Minister of Japan presented Donald Trump with a hat celebrating the friendship between our two countries, Meyers though it would be crafty to communicate with President Trump “via hat” himself. You can watch the loony results below.

Hardy har har, Seth. You’re knack for ingenious plots to oust a sitting president is second to none. And did you hear those clapping seals in the audience, barking like dimwitted hyenas?

Idiocy. It’s all just idiocy.

Meyers is going to spend the next four – possibly eight – years milking the same tired joke about why Trump shouldn’t be president. This is supposed to be quality programming? It sounds like the same sore loser screeching we’ve heard from the left for nearly a year.

Remember the time comedians used to be funny in America? I do. Now they’re a sad sack of envious clowns.

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Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim... More about Jim E

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